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Are you good at managing volunteers? Do you love amusement parks? We need you!

Are you good at managing volunteers? Whether you're a pro at directing volunteers, or are a detail-oriented person who enjoys big events, your skills are needed!


Hands On will be hosting a volunteer experience for 2,000 Intel volunteers and their families at PGE Park on Saturday, July 24th from 10:00am -4pm.


This is a family fun day, with activities like a mini water park, playing games with Blazers and Timbers team members, dance party, a zip-line, water balloons, etc.


In addition to the festivities, this event will have a service component. We need your help to make this a success! Projects will include collecting/cleaning books for the Children's Book Bank! You can help ensure that this event is a success by signing up as a 'Crowd Manager'.


Crowd Managers will help ensure that each project station has enough people by helping to direct Intel volunteers as they arrive at our table. Lunch and t-shirts will be provided. You will also be given breaks periodically throughout the project to enjoy the fun.


Mark your calendar and sign up here: http://www.handsonportland.org/projects/viewProject.php?_mode=occurrence View&_action=load&sFrom=monthlyCalendar&ixActivity=4107&ixAffiliateRegio n=&sZipcode=&bAvailable=&dtBegin=2010-7-24&dtEnd=2010-7-24&_setFlag=&_cl earFlag=


Kimberly Livesay


Special Projects Coordinator


Hands On Greater Portland


e: [email protected]


p: 503.200.3366

