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Volunteer Wanted for Database Upkeep: Support Affordable Homeownership in Clackamas Co.

CCLT (Clackamas Community Land Trust), a non-profit providing permanently affordable homeownership opportunities, is looking for a star volunteer who can make an ongoing commitment to assist CCLT with upkeep of its fundraising and outreach database. Trustworthiness and basic computer experience using Microsoft Office is all we require (the volunteer will use MS Access). CCLT needs help from the community to expand opportunities for hard-working people, retirees, and all kinds of folks who are finding it difficult to afford a home.

This volunteer will be doing data entry and cleanup, assisting in creating lists for mailings and fundraising appeals, and other tasks. Volunteering will take place at our office in downtown Milwaukie (11062 SE 21st Ave). Time commitment is flexible (see below for details). To find out more about CCLT, please visit www.clackamasclt.org. To discuss the opportunity, call Dan at 503-659-1618 x4, or email [email protected].


What: Volunteer for CCLT in an ongoing commitment

Opportunities: Help strengthen and support affordable housing in Clackamas County; gain office skills in nonprofit fundraising and data management/database use

Requirements: Basic computer literacy with Microsoft Office. Attention to detail. Interest in database use (no experience required, we can train you on our system).

Time commitment: 2-hour shifts, and a minimum of 4 hours a month, are requested.

About CCLT: To learn more about us, please visit www.clackamasclt.org

Contact: To discuss the opportunity, call Dan, 503-659-1618 x4, or email [email protected].