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Daily Digest

Digest for October 10, 2008

Digest Contents:

Oregon Manifest bike show opening night party
Free Naturescaping Workshop!
City Repair Presents City Riparian
Qauntum-Touch FREE Lecture (date correction)
Executive Director
Mobile Health Screening Truck Driver
Big Brothers Big Sisters Washington County Director Position Opening
Annual Giving Manager Position with Big Brothers Big Sisters
Portland Jazz Festival Internship
Sabin CDC partners with Reflections/Talking Drum bringing Technology
Two Free Desks!
Nominate an Outstanding Youth or Adult Volunteer!
Looking for cheap office space?
Yoga and the Six Paramitas
Rain Garden 101 Workshop - Free!
Depave Fence Building Work Party
Teach English To Refugee Youth in Outer SE Portland
Mentor Eastern European Youth
Mentor Russian Youth
YouthLine Volunteer Training!


Oregon Manifest bike show opening night party

Oregon Manifest bike show Opening Night Blowout at Wieden +Kennedy

Friday, October 10, 2008, Wieden + Kennedy, the global ad agency behind Teams of Portland and some of the finest creative work in the world, is taking the concept of an opening party and blowing it up beyond imagination. In the works is a special multi-media bike builder exhibition featuring their personal rides.Expect beer, music, and bike-minded people

Location: Wieden + Kennedy

224 NW 13th Avenue Portland, Oregon

Hours: 7:01 PM to Midnight

Entry Fee: FREE

Parking: Bike parking will be provided. Street parking available for cars on nearby streets.

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Free Naturescaping Workshop!

Naturescaping is beauty and function. It is the practice of designing (or redesigning) a landscape so that it reduces water use, stormwater runoff, and pollution without sacrificing splendor. Plus, it saves you time, money, and energy – all while providing a beautiful habitat for birds, wildlife, and you.

Naturescaping Basics is the first in our series and introduces attendees to their connection with the watershed, native plants of the PNW, pollution prevention, and other core concepts of naturescaping. Advanced registration is required.

When: Sunday, October 19 from 1pm - 5pm

Where: Lake House at Blue Lake Park, Fairview

Register online at www.emswcd.org/workshops-events.

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City Repair Presents City Riparian

The City Repair Project hosts its third annual City Riparian: The Village Planting Convergence event this October 10-12. Join us for three days of service projects, workshops, and social activities centered around Urban Permaculture.

Neighborhoods come together to plant shared public places that they have envisioned, designed, funded, and will maintain for themselves. Projects are founded on developing strong local relationships, social capital and equity, placemaking and ecological design, and supporting our local economy.

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Qauntum-Touch FREE Lecture (date correction)

Join Judie Maron at Muddy Waters Coffeehouse at 2908 SE Belmont Street, Portland 97214 or Fat Straw at 4258 SE Hawthorne, Portland 97215 for a talk with discussion and demonstration of this amazing hands-on healing technique. 

Theory and history including background info on founder Richard Gordon; reduced prices on orders for "Quantum-Touch, the Power to Heal" book; and an opportunity to win a free 20-minute private session will all be available for those in attendance.

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Jobs & Internships


organization:Literary Arts
position summary:

Mission: To enrich the lives of Oregonians through language and literature.


Position Profile Literary Arts, Inc, a nonprofit literary arts organization based in Portland, Oregon, celebrates the art of writing and love of reading through public and in-school programs featuring established and emerging writers and cultural thinkers of our time. As we enter our 25th year of providing a rich array of literary programs and support to Oregonian readers, writers, and students, we seek an individual with the passion, vision, energy and experience to work with the Board of Directors to lead and shape this organization.

Salary / Pay Rate: $75,000 - $85,000, depending on experience

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organization:Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation
position summary:

For 50 years, the Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation (OLSHF) has taken an active role in protecting the health of Oregonians. Through the 12 direct service programs related to sight, hearing and health assistance, the OLSHF has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of youths and adults in our state. Beginning with our first community screening in August 1994, the OLSHF has partnered with Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36 to provide vital health checks to people of all ages through the Mobile Health Screening Unit Program (MHSU).

Salary / Pay Rate:Compensation: $81 per day (plus $90 per diem during events that require overnight lodging).

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Big Brothers Big Sisters Washington County Director Position Opening

Washington County Director Job Description

Overview: The primary functions of the Washington County Director are to provide leadership and direction and engage the community in our mentoring programs based in Washington County. The Director will be responsible for the supervision of the on site staff, volunteers, and interns. This position will work collaboratively with the community relations staff, fund development staff, and program supervisors to ensure high quality program outcomes and adequate resources to achieve those outcomes. This is a high performance position requiring the ability to manage multiple priorities in a fast paced, dynamic work environment.


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Annual Giving Manager Position with Big Brothers Big Sisters

Annual Giving Manager Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest (Portland, Oregon)

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Portland Jazz Festival Internship

Portland Jazz Festival Internship Program

General Description: The Portland Jazz Festival is seeking an intern for the 2009 Festival.

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Nonprofit News

Sabin CDC partners with Reflections/Talking Drum bringing Technology

What: Sabin CDC has made a true commitment to the digital divide issues of North/Northeast Portland over the past decade; we’ve prepared ourselves for the challenge of teaching a community advanced technology while increasing the comfort level and aptitude of residents and neighbors. With the recognized successes under our belt we are currently partnering with a community staple “Reflections Coffeehouse.” This partnership will include a free 3-station wireless lab, open to community neighbors from 7am until 6pm and a 10-station Learning Lab for community training located in the Talking Drum Bookstore, with a menu of services including Microsoft Unlimited Potential provided by Sabin CDC.

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Two Free Desks!

The Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation has 2 desks to give away to another nonprofit. The desks are in great condition and are looking for a good home. If you can use these desks and would like to come and pick them up, please give us a call at (503) 352-8618 or email [email protected]. Thanks!

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Nominate an Outstanding Youth or Adult Volunteer!

Nominations are being accepted through October 15, for the Portland Trail Blazers / Hands On Greater Portland Heart of the Community Awards!  Nominate an outstanding youth volunteer! Nominate an outstanding adult volunteer or nominate an outstanding volunteer program (nonprofit, school or government entity).

Visit http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=U4n3AbRhe6J2xbsV9DjcdA_3d_3d and complete the brief form.

NOTE: The form is very brief, but does click through 3 pages. Incomplete nominations will not be accepted.

Cheryl Paul, Development Manager

503.200.3366, ph

503.200.3356, fax

[email protected]

Hands On Greater Portland P.O. Box 4889

Portland, OR 97208-4889


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Looking for cheap office space?

City Repair is opening up the "other" big office on the main floor of the Temple (3125 E. Burnside) as a space share to small, grassroots organizations that may not have the funds for 24/7 office space rental. If you will only be in the office a few hours a week, and can afford to pay $100 - $300 a month, this might be the right spot for you!

Contact Roberto at 503.235.8946 or [email protected] if you are interested in seeing the space, or have any questions.

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Q & A

There are currently no Q & A posts.

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Yoga and the Six Paramitas

The Zen Community of Oregon (ZCO)is offering two free anusara yoga classes within the framework of the 6 paramitas in anticipation of ango: a time of reflection and deepening our spiritual practices, perhaps rarely more important than in these turbulent times. The 6 paramitas are ethical principles for living and leadership: generosity, virtue, patience, wisdom, meditation and diligence.

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Rain Garden 101 Workshop - Free!

Rain gardens are a great way to add beautiful landscaping to your yard and protect overloaded urban sewers and streams at the same time. Join us at this 4-hour free workshop to learn how to build a rain garden on your property to keep our streams clean and healthy! Workshop includes lunch and a field trip to a rain garden in Gresham. Advanced registration is required.

When: Saturday, October 18 from 9am-1pm.

Where: Gresham City Hall, Gresham

Register online at www.emswcd.org/workshops-events.

Information: Katie Meckes, East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District - 503-935-5368

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Depave Fence Building Work Party

· When: Saturday, October 11 and Sunday, October 12, 10am-4pm, both days

· Location: Fargo Garden Site, NE Fargo and N. Williams

Depave, a project of the City Repair Project, is having a work party at the Fargo Garden site. The focus of this work party will be to build a fence around the property, providing security as well as a space to incorporate artistic elements and details.

Please RSVP to let us know if you are interested in participating, [email protected], with the times you are available to volunteer.

Fargo Garden will be a living community space, transformed from a vacant parking lot to a lush, green garden.

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Teach English To Refugee Youth in Outer SE Portland

Learn about a new culture!

Volunteers Needed!

MCSI – Multnomah County School Impact

Are you able and willing to donate your time and skills?  Do you like to have fun?  Would you be interested in welcoming refugees and immigrants into our community?  Would you like to learn about a new culture?  Learn a new language?  Would you like to be a volunteer/tutor?

Come share, build, and practice your skills by volunteering your time with us!

We are looking for volunteers who are willing to help Youth from all over the world.  Volunteers will spend one and a half hours a week helping with homework and English, talking about school, life, and the youth's future.

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Mentor Eastern European Youth

New Youth Perspectives

Youth Participants: Male and Female Youth from Eastern Europe, ages 12-18 in the FOUR county area (Washington, Multnomah, Clackamas, and Clark Counties).  Country of origin is subject to eligibility, not their immigrant status.

Project Overview: LCSNW has developed the NYP mentorship program granted by United Way Community Impact Partner.  NYP is a collaborative program between Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW) and Russian Oregon Social Services (ROSS), which is a free youth program that serves refugee and immigrant youth ages 12-18.

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Mentor Russian Youth

Are you interested in learning about other cultures while at the same time helping build a brighter future for the refugee and immigrant youth of Portland?

Be a Mentor for teenage guys and girls in our community who have emigrated from Eastern Europe. Provide a voice and support in helping them adjust to a new culture, a new school system, engaging with new peers, a new language, and a new country, all while having to face the same adolescent pressures!    

The NYP, New Youth Perspectives program at Lutheran Community Services (does not require any religious affiliation), seeks creative committed individuals to contribute 1-½ hours per week for a six-month period to assist and create a number of academic and social activities.

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YouthLine Volunteer Training!

Do you know any exceptional High School students between 15 and 18 who would be interested in volunteering for Oregon Partnership’s YouthLine? YouthLine is a free + confidential 24-hour teen-to-teen crisis, counseling, and referral line located in SW Portland serving Oregon youth. Volunteer Youth Peer Counselors answer calls Monday thru Friday between 4-10pm.

Our Peer Counselors undergo 40 hours of initial training to address topics that affect the lives of young people: suicide, alcohol & drug use, depression, relationships and dating violence, family issues, sexuality, and more. . . This initial orientation only happens 3 times a year and our fall training is coming up SOON!

All volunteers are required to:

*Complete an application and have an interview,

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