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Daily Digest

Digest for November 10, 2008

Digest Contents:

BroadArts Visionary Salons -- FREE
Crafting a sustainable marketing plan, Mercy Corps NW, Monday, 11/10
Second Fall Session - Everyone Welcome Community Choir
Bank of the Cascades / WVDO Non Profit Breakfast – December 3rd
Housing Resource Center Events
Native American Heritage Month Events
Native American Heritage Month
Do You Have Problems Sleeping?
Depave - Big Tent Meeting
Junk to Funk
Family Tour of Columbia Ecovillage
Columbia Ecovillage Overview: Meet community members and developers
Open Tour of Columbia Ecovillage
Speaker: Mike O'Brien of OSD - How's Your Carbon Footprint? A quick energy audit.
Let's Organize Our Communities - Potluck Gathering
St John the Evangelist Holiday Exstravaganza to Benefit Children's Clothing Center
Open Position: Program Manager for EMO HIV Services
Business Analyst Position
Taking the LEED for Homes Northwest
Support Portland Parks & Recreation
Classroom Law Project seeks volunteers


BroadArts Visionary Salons -- FREE

Please join BroadArts along with twenty extraordinary women and two terrific men, community organizers, neighbors, artists and friends at the BroadArts Visionary Salons. Each Salon features four speakers of diverse experience, tradition and organizational affinity. Interspersed are songs and monologues performed by BroadArts Theatre, illuminating the issues and topics of the speakers. After the speakers, BroadArts initiates the conversation between you, the audience and community speakers about how we each personally and organizationally contribute to a better future for Portland and in our world.

Thurs Nov. 13: The Friendly House 2617 NW Savier St 6-9 pm Theme: Arts, Environmental issues

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Crafting a sustainable marketing plan, Mercy Corps NW, Monday, 11/10

"Crafting a sustainable marketing plan" is a Mercy Corps Northwest marketing seminar. Failure to plan amounts to planning to fail' applies also in marketing. A solid marketing plan is central to success in all organizations. Learn at this interactive workshop how to craft a marketing plan that sustains your organization's triple-bottom line.

Time: Monday, November 10, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Location: Mercy Corps Northwest Office, 2069 NE Hoyt St., Portland

Fee: $5 for Mercy Corps Northwest clients, $10 for community members. All proceeds benefit Mercy Corps Northwest programs.

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Second Fall Session - Everyone Welcome Community Choir

Fall is a time of ingathering and taking comfort in the fullness of the season – what better way to celebrate and renew community than through the joy of singing with others, under the tutelage of the ever-fabulous teacher (and musician) Anne Weiss at the Everyone Welcome Community Choir? Get a flavor for the Choir from Oregonian Columnist Margie Boule's column at http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/margie_boule/index.ssf?/base/living/1224635110175800.xml&coll=7

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Bank of the Cascades / WVDO Non Profit Breakfast – December 3rd

Bank of the Cascades and Willamette Valley Development Officers would like to invite you to be our guest for breakfast and an informative seminar created exclusively for professionals in the non-profit sector.

Date and time: Wednesday, December 3, 7:30am to 9:00am

Location: Multnomah Athletic Club, 1849 SW Salmon, PDX (Parking Garage is available on-site)

Topic: " Leadership Roundtable Strategic Trade-offs for 2009 "

Speakers: Julie Harrelson & Trever Cartwright of the Coraggio Group

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Housing Resource Center Events

1. 11/12/08 - Reverse Mortgage Class - 1-3PM A free class outlining this unique mortgage product for seniors, age 62 and older.  Anyone is welcome. Contact Karin Butler at 360-690-4496 X102 or [email protected] for reservations.   2. 11/19/08 - "Get the Facts" Orientation - 6-7:30PM Outline of the steps to homeownership and the services provided by the Center. No reservations are required, but contact Kevin Gillette at 360-690-4496 X101 or [email protected] with any questions.   3.

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Native American Heritage Month Events

Native American Heritage Month Events

Portland Building, 1120 SW 5th Avenue  2nd Floor, Auditorium

Wednesday, Nov 12 - Native American Student Leaders:  PSU Activities and Leadership Programs Speaker Panel with Tana Atchley, Portland State University, Native American Student Advisor  Come support the leaders of tomorrow and hear from these emerging Native American leaders and their PSU advocates. These PSU students excel in their studies, and assume leadership roles to inspire their fellow students.  They'll share personal stories about work and experiences being students, leaders and mentors.

Contact: Susan Barthel, 503-823-7268

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Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month

Portland Building, 1120 SW 5th Avenue  2nd Floor, Auditorium

Thursday, Nov 13 - PSU's  Native American Nexus for Students and Community Tabitha Whitefoot, Assistant Director and Dean Azule, Coordinator, Portland State University, Native American Student and Community Center

Come learn about the nexus that is PSU's Native American Student and Community Center. The center has a national focus with staff members and students leading the way assisting native students to graduate and excel as leaders. The Center strengthens cultural ties as well as academic achievement in Portland. You'll leave inspired by all that's occurring - just up the road.

Contact: Susan Barthel   503-823-7268

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Do You Have Problems Sleeping?

Do you have problems sleeping? Do you or your partner snore?

Join us for this free community lecture with question and answer period. Joshua A. Ramseyer M.D., sleep specialist, neurologist and medical director of the nationally accredited Legacy Sleep Disorder Center at Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital, will discuss: * Causes and symptoms of poor sleep * Treatment options * Other sleep-related issues

Preregistration is required: 503-335-3500

Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 7-8:30 p.m. Legacy Emanuel Hospital-Lorenzen Conference Center 2801 N. Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, OR 97227 www.legacyhealth.org

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Depave - Big Tent Meeting

Over the past year, a group of us have been steadily plugging away at Depave's first public demonstration project Fargo Gardens and we have been quite blown away by the amount of excitement and enthusiasm this project has generated!

We are hosting a "big tent" meeting to bring together folks interested in all aspects of Depave. If you're interested in getting more involved, plan to attend our meeting: 7-9 pm, Thursday November 13th at Albert's house ­3136 NE Flanders St.

We plan to review the history of Depave and the current Fargo Garden Project, and then talk about all the Depaving visions we have for the future, and how more people can be a part of the Depave movement!

RSVP appreciated ([email protected]), but not required!!

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Junk to Funk

Junk to Funk Recycled Fashion Show Contest

Saturday November 15th Wonder Ballroom (128 NE Russell)

Doors open at 7:00, show starts at 8:00

$16 in advance/$20 at the door/$35 VIP Seating

Tickets are available through the Wonder Ballroom Box Office, Junk to Funk website and all Ticketmaster locations

21 Plus 

Hosted by Mayor-Elect Sam Adams and 94.7FM’s Tara Dublin

Entertainment by Key Turn Project

DJ’d by Gustav from 94.7FM

“Junk Jury” includes members from Orlo, The ReBuilding Center, Wieden + Kennedy, Same Underneath and the Recycling Advocates

Audience Costumes Encouraged

DIY accessory table provided by Scrap

Produced by Elysium Events

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Family Tour of Columbia Ecovillage

Sunday, November 16, 10-11 am 4647 NE Killingsworth St Childcare provided, with activities Cohousing community and permaculture farm in NE Portland. Individual units range from studio to 3 bedroom. Energy efficient design, safe play areas, multigenerational support. www.columbiaecovillage.net

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Columbia Ecovillage Overview: Meet community members and developers

Sunday, November 16 Presentation 1-3 pm Kennedy School, 5736 NE 33rd Ave Cohousing community and permaculture farm in NE Portland. Available units range from studio to 3 bedrooms. www.columbiaecovillage.net

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Open Tour of Columbia Ecovillage

Sunday, November 23, 12-1 pm 4647 NE Killingsworth St Cohousing community and permaculture farm. Available units range from studio to 3 bedroom. Energy efficient design, multigenerational support.

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Speaker: Mike O'Brien of OSD - How's Your Carbon Footprint? A quick energy audit.


Start: Nov 12 2008 - 7:00pm Start: Nov 12 2008 - 9:00pm

We know that tracking our personal energy use and carbon emissions is critical to reducing needs for importe../../../digest/archive/d_energy__our_impacts_on_the_climate__and_on_the_environment._As_Lord_Kelvin_so_famously_said___quot.css;That which cannot be measured, cannot be improved."

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Let's Organize Our Communities - Potluck Gathering

Friday, Nov 14, 6:30-8:30 St. Francis Dining Hall 1182 SE Pine St. Portland, OR

Welcome to a grassroots response to this time of "crisis". Here's a quick summary of what's happened so far. We hope you can join us.

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St John the Evangelist Holiday Exstravaganza to Benefit Children's Clothing Center

Let St. John’s lavish Holiday Extravaganza Bazaar encourage your Christmas spirit to bloom like a narcissus in winter. Your kids can make their Christmas presents in the children’s craft area while you shop our bountiful selection of local crafters’ and artists’ lovingly constructed holiday goodies (Jewelry, gemstones and thundereggs);fabric crafts including stuffed animals, shawls, Pendleton wool bags, rugs and felted purses, fabric covered boxes and containers; hand-carved pottery, candles; lighthouse yard ornaments; and notecards) as well as home-made baked and canned goods that will knock your Christmas stockings off. New this year is a Treasure Trove of quality recycled decorative and Christmas items.

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Jobs & Internships

Open Position: Program Manager for EMO HIV Services

Program ManagerEcumenical Ministries of Oregon HIV Services. For full position description, visit www.emoregon.org. Please submit cover letter and resume by Nov. 21 by e-mail to [email protected], fax to (503) 223-7007 or mail to EMO, 0245 SW Bancroft St., Suite B, Portland, OR 97239. EOE.

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organization:Morrison Child and Family Services
position summary:

Part-time (30 hrs/wk) Business Analyst open for Morrison's Technology Operations department. Position implements complex process change and projects throughout the organization. Projects are primarily focused around technology-related change requiring new or modified processes. Position is the liaison between the organizations business departments/programs and Technology Operations. In addition, position often provides senior management with key decision-making criteria and information. The Business Analyst ensures implementations meet business needs, technical requirements are identified, and that related processes or departments which may be impacted are properly represented throughout the change process.

Salary / Pay Rate:Depending on Experience. Plus benefits such as medical, dental, paid vacation, paid sick, 401k plan

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Nonprofit News

There are currently no Nonprofit News posts.

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Q & A

There are currently no Q & A posts.

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Taking the LEED for Homes Northwest

Taking the LEED for Homes Northwest

An introduction to the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) program

Active LEED for Homes builders differentiate themselves in today’s market with high performance homes that are innovative and resource efficient. This 2-hour session will provide an overview of the LEED for Homes program and how you can incorporate these practices into your current building efforts. Randy Hansell, Program Manager, Senior Green Building Consultant and USGBC Faculty, delivers Certification and Rater Trainings to building industry professionals all over the United States and will present this training.


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Support Portland Parks & Recreation

As we all know - the economic downturn is hitting us all. Portland Parks & Recreation is planning for significant budget cuts in the next several years and needs your help.

This link will take you to a brief survey that will give us important information about what you believe are the core services provided by Portland Parks & Recreation. Please take a moment to share with us your priorities. We will use your feedback to plan our budgets accordingly.


Thank you for your time.

Elizabeth Kennedy-Wong Public Involvement Manager

Please feel free to forward this to your members and constituents.

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Classroom Law Project seeks volunteers

Classroom Law Project seeks volunteers for court tours and office help...

Do you believe in the power of democracy?  Want to know how you can help ensure that the next generation feels the same way?

For more than twenty-five years, Classroom Law Project has been bringing education, legal and business communities together by providing innovative, timely, practical, and fun programs for students K-12.  Our programs include Mock Trials, We the People, Project Citizen, Law Day, Youth Summit, and more.  Learn more on our website: www.classroomlaw.org.

At the moment, we are in great need of Court Tour guides and office help.  Below are descriptions of both...

Be a Court Tour Guide!

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