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Daily Digest

Digest for March 11, 2009

Digest Contents:

Community Transition Center Early Spring Plant Sale
Kickoff Event: Reynolds Chapter of Stand for Chidren
Communities That Care: Using the Research Base for Prevention Science
Free Bach Concert
Community Advocacy in Action
24/7 Concert
Volunteer to reclaim the land, build community, and create greenspce at MSLC
Find the Work You Love After Age 50, State of Oregon Recruiter Daniel Rodriguez
Join Life by Design NW for UPCOMING Classes!
Grants and Fundraising Manager
FSC Media Release- NEW FSC BLOG
Binder Donation Needed
PBA Leadership Portland Group seeks Youth Volunteer Information
Social Media and Web 2.0 for non-profits
211 Regional Training: Combating Compassion Fatigue Training--March 20th
OCEH Green Cleaning class 3.14.09
Inspire a child, become a mentor today!
World Pulse: Call for Volunteers
circus auction set-up volunteers
SolTrekker organization seeks community network volunteer
Forest Park Conservancy's Day of Stewardship March 21st
Volunteer Social at Tryon Creek


Community Transition Center Early Spring Plant Sale

Hello plant lovers!   Join Portland Public School's Community Transition Center for our Early Spring Plant Sale. The sale runs from March 16th-20th from 8:30am-3:00pm daily.

We are located at 6801 SE 60th Ave. in Greenhouse #1. We are a half of block south of Duke St. and across the street from Brentwood Park.  

We have a wide variety of plants for sale including:   -organic vegetable starts in 6-pack trays: broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards, kohlrabi, cauliflower, lettuce, sorrel, and more -indoor house plants -lupine, hostas, bamboo, violets, ornamental grasses -and much much more  

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Kickoff Event: Reynolds Chapter of Stand for Chidren

Please join parents, educators, and other active citizens on March 14, 2009 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm at Fairview City Hall, which is located at 1300 NE Village, to learn more about the new Reynolds Chapter of Stand for Children and how you can get involved.

Stand for Children is a citizen voice for Children. Stand for Children works to use the power of grassroots action to help all children get the excellent public education and strong support they need to thrive. To RSVP or for more information please contact Kayla McGannon at (503) 927-2655 or via email at . This is the time to act to improve our District and give children in Reynolds a voice!

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Communities That Care: Using the Research Base for Prevention Science

The School of Social Work of Portland State University Presents the 2009 Charles Shireman Memorial Lecture by Dr. Richard Catalano.

WHAT: Communities That Care: Using the Research Base for Prevention Science

WHEN: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 7:15 pm

WHERE: Smith Memorial Student Union Multicultural Center 1825 SW Broadway, Room 228, Portland OR 97201

FREE: This event is free and open to the public Please RSVP to [email protected] or (503)725-3997 Free parking is available in PSU lots after 7pm

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Free Bach Concert

The Bach Cantata Choir presents a Free Lenten concert March 15th, 2009. Ralph Nelson will conduct the 50-voice choir, soloists, and chamber orchestra in BWV 131, Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, BWV 12, Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, and a motet for double choir by Hans Leo Hassler, Herzlich lieb hab ich dich. The concert will be held at Rose City Park Presbyterian Church, NE 44th and Sandy, Portland, Oregon, at 2 pm. While no admission will be charged, a free-will offering will be gratefully accepted. The audience is invited to participate in singing two chorales. For more information, visit our website at www.bachcantatachoir.org.

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Community Advocacy in Action

Neighbors West-Northwest, CAT and Sisters Of The Road Present an Interactive Community Forum

Tues. March 31, 2009 6:00–8:00 PM First United Methodist Church, Collins Hall 1838 SW Jefferson, Portland OR

Register Today: http://www.nwnw.org/AdvocacyTrainingRSVP.html

Join new city Commissioner Amanda Fritz and Portland-based community advocates for an evening of reflection, discussion and learning. Hear about diverse organizing efforts in housing rights, homelessness, and local livability issues. Build skills in individualized workshops ranging from advocating at city hall to community organizing.

Food and Drink Provided.

More Information: www.nwnw.org

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24/7 Concert

For immediate release

Contact: Bill Crane, cell phone 503-544-2455 or [email protected]

Portland, Oregon, Monday, March 2, 2009 — 

By mid-March, the United States will have been at war in Afghanistan and Iraq for seven years, yet one hardly hears that fact mentioned. To mark this important, if tragic, anniversary, over 150 of the Portland area's best classical musicians are uniting to make a giant musical gift to the city and region. Event curators Bill Crane and Thomas Lauderdale have recruited an amazing roster of performers. The public is invited.

Titled simply "24/7," it will be a series of 24 dramatic concerts, each starting upon the hour, from 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 21, and continuing through to 7:00 p.m., Sunday, March 22.

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Volunteer to reclaim the land, build community, and create greenspce at MSLC

At the Mount Scott Learning Center's (MSLC) high school we are converting part of the existing parking lot into a green space for students and community members to utilize, enjoy, and learn in. Would you like to volunteer to support these efforts?

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Find the Work You Love After Age 50, State of Oregon Recruiter Daniel Rodriguez

Find the Work You Love After Age 50, State of Oregon Recruiter Daniel Rodriguez

Life by Design and AARP welcomes State of Oregon recruiter Daniel Rodriguez who will discuss sharpening your job-hunting skills. Job hunting has changed a lot over the past few decades. If you're looking for work in today's competitive job market, you'll need a strategy that is different from what may have worked in the past. Come to one of the following workshops to learn about the job market (especially State of Oregon Jobs), applying for state jobs, transferable skills, developing a resume, writing cover letters, tips for interviewing and more. The workshop is Free.

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Join Life by Design NW for UPCOMING Classes!

PCC Community Education Course:

How to Choose a Financial Planner With the current economic times, have you considered looking for a financial planner? Come spend an evening learning tips and questions you should ask during your search for a personal financial planner. Date: Monday, March 16, 2009 6:30-8:30pm Location: PCC CPWTC, 1626 SE Water Ave (Across the street from OMSI) Tuition: $25 + $5 fee made payable to "PCC" paid day of class CRN#: 16697 Click on the following link for more information: http://www.pcc.edu/registration/


Coffee and Conversation Networking Nights Last Wednesday of the Month 6:30-8:30pm Portland Community College – CPWTC 1626 SE Water Ave (Across from OMSI)

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Jobs & Internships

Grants and Fundraising Manager

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


position summary:

The grants and fundraising manager will work to secure education grants in the fields of renewable energy, sustainability and green building. Ninety percent of the focus of this position will be targeted at assisting in the launch of a grant solicitation program and eventually running it.

The SolTrekker grant and fundraising manager will be asked to put us in the best possible position to receive grants by researching current grant opportunities, crafting grant outlines and advising the executive director on activities that will be most effective in obtaining grants.

Salary / Pay Rate:8% commission on any grants awarded, $500 bonus for any single grant greater than $7,500
more info...

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Psychiatrist or PMHNP to provide psychological evaluations and med. mgmt. to homeless and low income adults 18 yrs and older. 16 hrs/wk through Outside In's Medical Clinic and the YWCA counseling program, potential for job share if needed.  Supervised by Clinic Manager and Psychiatrist.  Experience with homeless clients, substance abuse and cultural/ethnic diversity highly valued.  Must have Oregon licensure.  Salary DOQ. Open Until Filled.


Cover letter and employment application required.  Application instructions: www.outsidein.org/employment.htm


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Nonprofit News

FSC Media Release- NEW FSC BLOG

For Immediate Release: March 10, 2009

Contact: Michelle Kroll (503) 794-8542 Email:  [email protected]

Franciscan Spiritual Center presents

Simple Beauty and Contemplation Blog

(Milwaukie, OR) With the onset of Lent, the Franciscan Spiritual Center has begun a spiritual blog in an effort to provide additional tools and support to those seeking a deeper spirituality and faith. The new blog, entitled Simple Beauty and Contemplation, can be accessed on the internet at http://simplebeautyandcontemplation.blogspot.com/. 

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Binder Donation Needed

The Pangaea Project is seeking a donation of approximately 20 binders, size 1 inch (used binders are just fine) for the "world class portion" of their program. All donations are 100% tax deductible.

The Pangaea Project is a leadership development program that empowers low-income youth to become local community leaders with global perspectives. The program is designed around local and international service-learning, community leadership, social action, human rights, team building, and global awareness.

For more information about our programs please visit www.thepangaeaproject.org Please call 503-517-8999 or email [email protected] concerning pick up or drop off of the binders. We are located at 2736 NE Martin Luther King Jr. BLVD. Portland, OR 97212

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Q & A

PBA Leadership Portland Group seeks Youth Volunteer Information

The "BE" Team, a Portland Business Alliance - Leadership Portland group is working to understand, develop and test a program that will activate local young adults to participate in local humanitarian activities. If your organization has a youth volunteer program or are looking to develop one, we would like to talk to you. Please contact Lisa Faust at [email protected] to discuss further. Thank you and we look forward to your comments and assistance to bring Portland youth out into our communities as sustaining volunteers.

Lisa Faust [email protected]

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Social Media and Web 2.0 for non-profits

Description: Join the PRSA-Portland Metro Chapter for a luncheon on social media and Web 2.0 for non-profits. Non-profits have less and less staff doing more and more things, and integrating social media into a communications strategy can be time intensive. Our panelists will discuss how you can make it a worthwhile tactic for your campaign. www.prsa-portland.org

Panelists include Lise Harwin, communications director of the American Red Cross Oregon Trail Chapter, Andy Van Oostrum of ISITE Design and Stephanie Stricklen of KGW.

Lise Harwin's social media work recently won recognition in the Non-Profit Times http://www.nptimes.com/09Feb/npt-090215-1.html

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211 Regional Training: Combating Compassion Fatigue Training--March 20th

Combating Compassion Fatigue Training

March 20, 2009

Friday: 9:00 -11:00 am

Sign in and snacks begin at 8:30am


Cost $ 35.00 per person

Call April at 503-226-3099Registration forms and information at:http://www.211info.org/about/trainings.html


Training will be held at: Vancouver First Church of God

3300 NE 78th St. Vancouver, WA 98665

(1 mile east of I-5)


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OCEH Green Cleaning class 3.14.09

The Oregon Center for Environmental Health’s next green cleaning class is coming up this Saturday, March 14th from 10am-12pm.  Don’t miss it – our first classes were sold out!  Participants will leave with lots of tips and techniques, and your very own laundry detergent, all-purpose cleaner, and creamy soft scrub for the kitchen and bathroom.  Classes are $15 for non-members and $10 for members, and participants must pre-register.  Participants are asked to bring 2 glass jars with lids (pint sized or larger), and the Center will provide the rest. 


To sign up please send a response to [email protected] or call 503.233.1510 ext 201.


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Inspire a child, become a mentor today!

Experience the rewards of making a difference in a child’s life!

Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization’s (IRCO) David Douglas Mentoring Project (DDMP) is seeking energetic volunteer mentors interested in supporting  elementary and middle school students who would benefit from interactions with a caring adult.

DDMP is a one-on-one mentoring program that matches a student from the David Douglas School District with an adult mentor from the community.  Students selected for the program are those with highest needs (low academic performance, behavior issues, language and cultural barriers) and could benefit from having a positive role model.

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World Pulse: Call for Volunteers

Are you excited by the idea of helping foster a global network? Are you interested in global issues as seen through the eyes of women and youth? Are you interested in strengthening communities, helping to improve lives, connecting with others and transforming the world for women worldwide?

World Pulse, a media organization that provides a platform for the global voices of women and youth through the use of groundbreaking web technologies, seeks volunteers for the following opportunities.

Volunteer Publisher’s Assistant

Volunteer Website Content Manager

Online Community Volunteers

Volunteer Spreadsheet Master - Voices of Our Future

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circus auction set-up volunteers

Hi.Friendly House's annual auction fundraiser is this Friday. We need volunteer THURSDAY, 4:30-9:30pm, to help set up & decorate.   Lots of physical work, moderate to heavy lifting, and free food!   If you'd like to help, please email [email protected].   Cheers!   PS. We're also cleaning up Saturday, 9am-2pm.

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SolTrekker organization seeks community network volunteer

SolTrekker is a Portland-based 501c3 non-profit dedicated to spreading awareness of sustainability through renewable energy, efficient design and green building practices. Our primary educational tool is the SolTrekker RV, a used motorhome that we took apart and rebuilt with as much renewable energy and green building materials as possible, including solar electric panels, solar hot water, a biodiesel powered engine, rainwater catchment, composting toilet, LED lighting, bamboo interior, etc. Our initial goal is to demonstrate a home and vehicle running 100 percent free of fossil fuels. We make presentations at schools, universities, music festivals, home shows, RV shows, or wherever there is a desire to have our mobile sustainability showroom.

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Forest Park Conservancy's Day of Stewardship March 21st

Save the Date! Spring Day of Stewardship Forest Park Saturday, March 21, 2009 9:00am-1:00 *Volunteer appreciation party to follow at the Lucky Lab

Sign up to volunteer today at www.forestparkconservancy.org

What: Join The Forest Park Conservancy as we continue the 60th anniversary celebration of Forest Park's dedication and the first day of spring with a community-wide volunteer work party! Our 2008 events rallied over 165 volunteers at each event, and we are hoping for an even larger turnout this time around. We will be working at four sites within Forest Park; Upper Macleay, Birch Trail head at 53rd, Springville Road/Firelane 7 and the Linnton Neighborhood. Projects will focus on invasive species removal, native plantings and possible trail work.

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Volunteer Social at Tryon Creek

Volunteer Social for volunteers and those who whish to learn about volunteering with Tryon Creek State Natural Area

THURSDAY, March 12, 2009 6:00 - 7:30 pm

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