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Daily Digest

Digest for May 28, 2009

Digest Contents:

David Korten: Agenda For a New Economy
Solstice Warehouse Sale to Benefit Northwest Academy
Last Thursday Bathrobe Parade and BBQ
OCEH's Green Cleaning class this Saturday
Volunteer this Saturday with the Portland Fruit Tree Project!
Hostelling International Celebrates 100 Years!!
Director of Development: Raphael House
Grant Manager/Program Assistant for Xerces Society
Development Coordinator: Bradley Angle
Positions available with Janus Youth Programs, Inc
Development & Administrative Assistant: New Avenues for Youth
Zenger Farm - Americorps Educator
Volunteer Program Assistant: SCRAP
Volunteer: Sand in the City-A Benefit for Kids On The Block
Ecotrust Events Announces Community Grant
RACC Press Release: Portland City Council Approves Continued Investments in Arts & Culture
Don't let this slip by - RFP for NOVAA conference Nov 4
Oregon Geriatric Education Center's 20th Annual Summer Institute
GIS Mapping Workshops in Oregon Next Week - Great for Non-Profits!
211 Training: Understanding Chronic Homelessness, Fri June 19th
A few places left in the summer Grantwriting course
Learn about NGOs this summer at Portland State
summer online "Volunteer Engagement & Leadership Program" registration due June 1
Attn Garden Enthusiasts - Volunteer at the Naturescaped Yard Tour! (Sunday, 5/31)
City Repair Needs Your Help: Village Building Convergence


David Korten: Agenda For a New Economy

Sustainable Business Network of Portland and

Real Wealth of Portland: Supporting a More Caring Economy

Announces David Korten Talk MAY 30, 2009.

Portland, Oregon May 30, 2009 - International bestselling author and visionary David Korten will share his inspiring new book Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth.

On Saturday May 30, 2009 at the First Baptist Church, Downtown Portland SW 12th and Taylor, beginning at 5:00 pm will be a celebration of real wealth with community organizations present and light food and drinks provided. At 7:00 pm David Korten will take center stage to present his inspiring new book Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth.

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Solstice Warehouse Sale to Benefit Northwest Academy


 SOLSTICE WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSESALE MAY 30 9:00-2:00 2428 N Borthwick AVE (between N. Russell ST & N. Page ST SALE Mark your calendar and tell your favorite friends and family about the awesome deals to be had on SWEET outdoor and performance lifestyle gear, good for grabbing coffee or heading to the mountain. Screamin’ Deals: 40% +SAVINGS ON ALL GEAR!!! Plus HALF of all proceeds benefit The Northwest Academy

The Northwest Academy is an independent college prepatory school, grades 6-12, located in the heart of Portland’s cultural center. WWW.NWACADEMY.ORG

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Last Thursday Bathrobe Parade and BBQ

Join us on Last Thursday for our monthly BATHROBE PARADE for Common Ground Wellness Center!

Alberta St will be closed to cars so we'll be marching down the street... We need volunteers to help hand out fliers for CGWC during the parade (first 10 volunteers will receive 1 hour coupon to soak/sauna at our 33/Alberta St. location). Wear a bathrobe, towel or join us as your funky self!

Parade starts at the Alberta Co-op at 7pm. March Fourth will play in the parking lot and we'll also have a BBQ at Common Ground Wellness Center from 5-9 pm.

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OCEH's Green Cleaning class this Saturday

The Oregon Center for Environmental Health’s next green cleaning class is coming up this Saturday, May 30th from 10am-12pm.  Participants will learn lots of tips and techniques for non-toxic cleaning in your home.  You will also make your very own laundry detergent, all-purpose cleaner, and creamy soft scrub for the kitchen and bathroom.  Classes are $20 for non-members and $10 for members, and participants are asked to pre-register.  All materials needed for the class will be provided. 

To sign up please send a response to [email protected] or call 503.233.1510 ext 201.

To register online go to: http://www.oregon-health.org/events.html#Anchor--Regist-45092

 We hope to see you Saturday!



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Volunteer this Saturday with the Portland Fruit Tree Project!

The Portland Fruit Tree Project is moving to an exciting new location, and we need your help...

Please join us for a volunteer work-party at the Portland Fruit Tree Project's new site! this Saturday, May 30th, 10am-1pm

1912 NE Killingsworth St.

We will be working in the garden (preparing the site for a food forest demonstration / community food garden), and moving things into the new office!

It will be a fun way to see the new space, meet some new folks, and make a big difference for the PFTP! Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Please RSVP by Friday at 5pm: [email protected] 503-284-6106.

Portland Fruit Tree Project

Empowering neighbors to share in the harvest and care of urban fruit trees.

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Hostelling International Celebrates 100 Years!!

Come join us THIS SATURDAY JUNE 13th for a full day of family-friendly events at the NORTHWEST HOSTEL at 425 NW 18th Avenue.

1-5PM. FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENTS ~ FREE! The afternoon will bring hostellers, Hostelling International members, and locals together for a free public celebration with:

-Children's Activities (World Twister, Arts Table, Bean Bag Toss) -Hostel Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -Unveiling of Community Wall Murals -Informational Displays on our Educational Programs -International Snacks in the Cultural Kitchen

And More!

6-10PM. LIVE MUSIC, BBQ, Silent Auction, Speakers ~ Tickets $20

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Jobs & Internships

Director of Development: Raphael House

Raphael House of Portland is seeking a full time Director of Development   Please go to our website for the complete job description:   www.raphaelhouse.com  

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organization:The Xerces Society
position summary:

BACKGROUND: The Xerces Society is an international non-profit organization that protects the diversity of life through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. For nearly forty years we have advocated for invertebrates and their habitats by working with scientists, land managers, educators, and citizens on conservation and education projects. The Society works across the U.S. and in Washington D.C. to conserve habitat for pollinators, protect endangered species, and educate people about the health of their streams and rivers. Over the past eight years, The Xerces Society’s annual budget has grown from just over $200,000 to nearly $800,000. The Society has 10 staff located in Portland, Oregon; Davis, California; and Madison, Wisconsin.

Salary / Pay Rate:$30,000 to $38,000 DOE

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organization:Bradley Angle
position summary:

Development Coordinator: .75 FTE ________________________________________

Date: May 26, 2009

The Development Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the donor database, coordinating printing and mailing of appeals, investigating grant opportunities with foundations, assisting the Development Director in the day-to-day administrative tasks such as running donor reports and preparing thank you letters and gift acknowledgments. The Development Coordinator will also assist with special events of Bradley Angle and conduct individual and corporate donations research in our efforts to implement a moves management major donor cultivation program.

Salary / Pay Rate:TBD

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Positions available with Janus Youth Programs, Inc


Janus Youth Programs has the following positions available. Janus is a nonprofit agency providing community-based services, including residential and shelter care, to youth referred by OYA and/or DHS, as well as homeless and street-dependent youth. We operate facilities in Oregon and in SW Washington. We are an agency that values diversity and values the contributions made by our staff in helping the youth we serve. All positions involve working together with strong, supportive teams to support and make a difference in a young person's life.

All positions are open until filled or stated otherwise. Postings updated 5/27/2009

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organization:New Avenues for Youth
position summary:

New Avenues for Youth is a Portland based nonprofit organization whose mission is “to help every youth reach their fullest potential by offering a continuum of outcome-based services that empowers homeless youth to exit street life and that prevents other youth from becoming homeless.”

New Avenues is seeking a detail-oriented self starter who is motivated by social causes and interested in gaining a working knowledge of all aspects of a non-profit organization. The Development & Administrative Assistant will be responsible for many aspects of organizational support, including supporting the development and administrative departments of the organization. The successful candidate will:

Salary / Pay Rate:DOE

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Zenger Farm - Americorps Educator

Zenger Farm is hiring a Farmer in the Classroom Educator. The Farmer in the Classroom Educator will work with the Zenger Education Director to develop and implement all aspects of a new program, Farmer in the Classroom. The Educator will offer curriculum to elementary and middle school classrooms and evaluate the success of the program. The Educator will also provide field trips at Zenger Farm and assist with Zenger Farm Summer Camp. Please review the full position description.

Americops Position Description Position Title: Farmer in the Classroom Educator

Project Sponsor: Friends of Zenger Farm, http://www.zengerfarm.org

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position summary:

JOB SUMMARY: Assist the Volunteer Program Manager with administrative duties and volunteer recruitment.

This is an excellent opportunity to gain some valuable experience in Volunteer Program Management. Ideal for someone interested in gaining skills to pursue employment in the Volunteer Management field.

Salary / Pay Rate:none

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organization:Sand in the City~A Benefit for Kids On The Block
position summary:

We are looking for VOLUNTEERS for our yearly fundraising event…………………..

Yoshida's Sand in the City July 17th-19th Portland's Downtown Pioneer Courthouse Square

This is a great event - a really fun way to volunteer for your community and be part of an exciting Portland tradition.

Kids on the Block, a non-profit organization that reaches thousands of school children, teaching tolerance and social awareness through educational puppet shows.

Volunteers work short 3-4 hour shifts; doing set-up, sales, volunteer booth, children's crafts, face painting, clean-up, and an assortment of other tasks. No experience is necessary and all volunteers receive a commemorative t-shirt and snacks.

Salary / Pay Rate:volunteer

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Nonprofit News

Ecotrust Events Announces Community Grant

Ecotrust Event Spaces Community Grant

Here at Ecotrust Event Spaces, we are grateful to find ourselves as busy as ever as we enter into our eighth year of business at the Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center. We are thankful to all of the non-profit groups who have partnered with us over the years and whose loyalty has helped us build a vibrant event center.

We understand that not every organization is in a position to afford meeting space. In an effort to make our event venues accessible to non-profits of all sizes and financial means, we have created a Community Grant Program, for which we are currently accepting proposals.

The strongest proposals will be for events which are:

* Mission driven and invest in the community in a positive way.

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Q & A

RACC Press Release: Portland City Council Approves Continued Investments in Arts & Culture

For immediate release   Contact: Mary Bauer, Communications Associate Regional Arts & Culture Council  |  www.racc.org 108 NW 9th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, OR  97209-3318 503.823.5111  |  email: [email protected]   Through vision, leadership and service, the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) works to integrate arts and culture in all aspects of community life. 

May 27, 2009

Portland City Council Approves Continued Investments in Arts & Culture

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Don't let this slip by - RFP for NOVAA conference Nov 4

INVITATION FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS   The Northwest Oregon Volunteer Administrators Association 2009 Conference is seeking workshop presentation proposals related to strengthening the work of volunteer managers. The theme  “IN OUR OWN BACKYARD” will bring to light local resources on the focus areas as listed in the RFP.   Keynote Speakers: Marc Levy, CEO and President, United Way of Columbia-Willamette, Portland, OR Nancy Gaston, CVA, Gifts Differing Vancouver, WA   We anticipate @ 100 participants will attend the Conference from the public, private and government sectors from Oregon and Washington. This Conference provides an opportunity to demonstrate the wealth of resources in our backyard!

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Oregon Geriatric Education Center's 20th Annual Summer Institute

Join the Oregon Geriatric Education Center for its 20th Annual conference on Thursday, June 18, 2009 from 8-4:30 at OHSU's Center for Health & Healing.

Presenters will address innovation and aging in Oregon with sessions dedicated to service delivery, assistive technology, activity planning and geriatric medicine.

This conference is appropriate for anyone working with or learning about older adults. 7 hours of continuing education credit is available from the Oregon Board of Nursing Home Administrators.

$85 for professionals - discounted rates for current students!

For more information, please visit our website: http://www.ohsu.edu/ogec/

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GIS Mapping Workshops in Oregon Next Week - Great for Non-Profits!

Mapping Oregon Communities: An Introduction to GIS & Community Analysis

Eugene: June 2nd, 2009 Lane Community College - 4000 E. 30th Ave, BLDG 19 Rm 216 Eugene, OR, 97405

Portland: June 4th and 5th, 2009* Kinetic Computer Solution - Congress Center Building, 1001 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 305 Portland, OR, 97204

*These are one-day workshops (8:30am - 4:30pm). Participants choose which day to attend.

Audience: Beginners, anyone interested in mapping their community. Focus: This workshop is customized for each location.

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211 Training: Understanding Chronic Homelessness, Fri June 19th

2-1-1 Partnership Training & Professional Development Series

Understanding Chronic Homelessness: It's Not Just About Money

Social service providers often find this population particularly frustrating. There's a revolving door syndrome. What are the real numbers of homeless people who have substance abuse or mental health issues? How many working poor are truly homeless...just not sleeping on the streets? Solid information can help you be more effective--and more compassionate--while working with this important population.


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A few places left in the summer Grantwriting course

Please let me know soon if you would like to be part of our Grantwriting course this summer. “Grantwriting” is a face-to-face weekend intensive course meeting 6:00 to 9pm on these three Fridays plus 9:00am to 5:00pm on these three Saturdays – June 26-27, July 17-18, and July 31- August 1 with Michael Wells.  Call or email me for how to register. Certificate course (non-credit) tuition is only $450.


Sharon Hasenjaeger Assistant Director Institute for Nonprofit Management Portland State University Tel: (503) 725-8221 Fax: (503) 725-8045 [email protected] www.inpm.pdx.edu for information on INPM’s nonprofit courses and events

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Learn about NGOs this summer at Portland State

Want to find out how people around the globe do nonprofit work - be it for relief and development, advocacy, humanitarian rights and democratization, or something else? If so, consider registering now for our summer course – "Nongovernmental Organizations: Nonprofits on the World Stage” a face-to-face course with Alisha Lund-Chaix. PA523 CRN 83068. It is to meet 9am to 12:30pm Monday thru Thursdays July 27 thru August 6. 

For more information and to register, please contact me. This course may be taken as a non-credit Certificate course (tuition $450) or for 3 graduate credits (tuition $840 plus fees). I look forward to hearing from you. Sharon --

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summer online "Volunteer Engagement & Leadership Program" registration due June 1

If you plan to register for the summer courses in the ONLINE Volunteer Engagement & Leadership Program , please do so by June 1 to assure a spot.

Volunteer Engagement and Leadership Program Online courses Summer  2009:


82116 PA 399 WW4 57, 96 SPST:VELP RECRUITMENT MKTG              

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Attn Garden Enthusiasts - Volunteer at the Naturescaped Yard Tour! (Sunday, 5/31)

Enjoy the beauty of a local garden & volunteer for the Yard Tour! Volunteers are needed to assist with greeting visitors, and helping with post-tour clean up. It’s a truly enjoyable volunteer opportunity where you get to visit with like-minded gardening enthusiasts. There are 3 shifts to choose from: 11:00am-12:40pm, 12:40pm-2:20pm, 2:20pm-4:00pm. After volunteering, you can go out and enjoy the rest of the tour! To sign up contact the Yard Tour Coordinator, Betty at [email protected] or call 503-245-4889.

Thank you!

Register for workshops online at www.emswcd.org/workshops-events


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City Repair Needs Your Help: Village Building Convergence

Hi everyone--

This is all connected to our preparations for City Repair's Village Building Convergence, June 5-14th! If you contact the lady at the bottom, Anna, she will let you know what you can do! Thanks so much! We need your help in many ways, if you cannot help us this weekend, go to cityrepair.org and check out other opportunities there are!

We are hoping to get some volunteers out to the Madison site this weekend to help peel poles for our rafters. If anyone has access to a draw knife or other tools that we could use for peeling that would help too! There are 9 poles each 16 ft. long for us to peel. Please let me know if you would be able to make it (or could send volunteers our way!)

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