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CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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Daily Digest
Digest for October 15, 2009
Digest Contents:
Global Day of Climate Action October 24th with 350.org600 Volunteers Can't Be Wrong! Join the team! Oct 24
Oregon Wild Wednesday - A Comeback For Condors!
Call for Art - Re:Vision Gallery at SCRAP
The Pangaea Project’s Fourth Annual Final Celebration- Friday, November 6th...
Friends of Trees - Green Space Planting - Saturday, 10/17
ART SPARK 10-15-09 - MURALS - event by Regional Arts & Culture Council
Stream Restoration Coordinator Opening!
Job Opening - Facilities Coordinator
Job Announcement: Homeless Family Warming Center Overnight Staff
Deadline for Local CCHD Grant Applications: October 15th!
Volunteer Musicians Needed to Save Salmon!
Art & Sustainability is our passion! Volunteer with SCRAP
Accounting & Finance Volunteer Sought
Global Day of Climate Action October 24th with 350.org
Join the Global Day of Climate Action on October 24th in Portland as part of 350.org. In Portland, the list of "350" events is growing daily. Already scheduled for our October 24th DAY OF CLIMATE ACTION is a kayak and canoe formation of the number "350" on the Willamette. PSU students, bicyclists, walkers supporting the 350-mile coastal trek, families, and concerned individuals will convene in Pioneer Square.
600 Volunteers Can't Be Wrong! Join the team! Oct 24
Make a difference with the StreamTeam and be a part of a national movement!
On Saturday, October 24th from 8:45am until 1pm the StreamTeam will celebrate Make a Difference Day with you and millions of Americans across the country! On this national day of service we will honor the StreamTeam Volunteer of the Year and spread the volunteer spirit while planting native trees to save salmon. No experience necessary. We will provide all of the training, tools, and supplies for a great day. The event is rain or shine.
There are still volunteer opportunities including:
Oregon Wild Wednesday - A Comeback For Condors!
Oregon Wild Wednesday – A free quarterly event open to all-ages. RSVP is not required, but we encourage you to arrive early. http://tinyurl.com/yjfwksl
When: Wednesday, October 21, 6-7:30 pm
Who: David Moen, Ani Kame'enui, Oregon Wild, you, and all your friends!
Where: Roots Organic Brewery, event room 1520 SE 7th Avenue Portland, OR 97214 http://www.rootsorganicbrewing.com/
Join David Moen, Oregon Condor Restoration Specialist & Oregon Wild for a night of good company, conversation, and carbonated beverages!
In 1987, only 22 California Condors remained. As part of a national recovery plan for the bird, all 22 were moved into a captive breeding program. Today, there are over 300 living condors and a captive breeding site right here in Oregon.
Call for Art - Re:Vision Gallery at SCRAP
Vision Gallery is now accepting shoe-related art in all mediums. Whether you design your own or build sculptures out of someone else’s, if your shoe art is made from 75% recycled, reused or reclaimed materials, we want to see it. Submit 3 jpgs with a brief artist’s statement, including dimensions of the work and materials used to [email protected]. Deadline is October 15th. Show will run throughout the month of November.
SCRAP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Our mission is to inspire creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing educational programs and affordable materials to the community.
The Pangaea Project’s Fourth Annual Final Celebration- Friday, November 6th...
The Pangaea Project’s Fourth Annual Final Celebration
Friday, November 6th, 6-9pm at the Melody Ballroom Melody Ballroom | 615 SE Alder | 503.232.2759
The Pangaea staff, students, board of directors and volunteers warmly invite you to a special night of education, inspiration and celebration. The Final Celebration marks the end of an eight-month journey that brought eighteen low-income students from six Portland high schools across the globe to gain a global perspective on community leadership and social justice.
To learn more and buy tickets, please go to www.thepangaeaproject.org
There will be delicious food and beverages, exciting auction and raffle items, an interactive educational activity with the students, live music and more!
Friends of Trees - Green Space Planting - Saturday, 10/17
Come join Friends of Trees in planting native plants and trees along the South Portland Riverbank this Saturday, October 17th at 9:00am. No experience necessary!
Friends of Trees will provide morning refreshments, training, gloves, and all tools needed. Please wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather.
Look for parking in the Staff Jennings parking lot on the north side of the Sellwood Bridge. Head all the way to the unpaved portion of the parking lot, following the Friends of Trees signs.
This planting is in partnership with Portland Parks and Recreation and is affiliated with ACT's NeighborWoods month.
No need to register in advance, but for more information please contact Andy at [email protected] or 503-282-8846, x24.
ART SPARK 10-15-09 - MURALS - event by Regional Arts & Culture Council
October 15th, 5p - 7p at Zaytoons, 2236 NE Alberta. Portland Mural Defense and Friends! Come participate in a mock-up griding, see 100+ murals from around our Portland area, meet a ton of mural artists! Maybe you would like to join their ranks! Come meet other artists! Come find out about the Regional Arts and Culture Council; come have good food and cheap drinks and support a local business! More information at www.portlandartspark.com Cheers!
Jobs & Internships
Stream Restoration Coordinator Opening!
The StreamTeam is currently accepting applications for our AmeriCorps team! The six-person volunteer team plays a vital role in the success of our stream restoration activities while gaining skill based stream restoration experience. The professional development positions offer a myriad of training sessions, networking opportunities and support.
Members receive a living stipend, health insurance and an educational award at the completion of their term.
For more information, visit http://www.clarkpublicutilities.com/ourenvironment/streamTeam/AmeriCorps
If you or someone you know is interested in gaining hands-on experience in the restoration world, please contact Bob Stearns at (360) 992-8576.
Job Opening - Facilities Coordinator
Facilities Coordinator
Friendly House, Inc.
Job Announcement
Closing Date: 10/20/2009
Scope of Position:
Job Announcement: Homeless Family Warming Center Overnight Staff
Job Announcement: Homeless Family Warming Center Overnight Staff
Job Title: Homeless Family Warming Center Overnight Staff
Department: Social Services
Reports to: Warming Center Manager
Hours: Non-Exempt, 6:30 PM 7:30 AM up to three nights per week.
Nonprofit News
Deadline for Local CCHD Grant Applications: October 15th!
Please remember that the deadline for Local CCHD Grant Applications is October 15th!
The preliminary evaluation deadline for first-time applicants for a National CCHD Grant is November 1st.
Contact Matt Cato at the Archdiocese of Portland if you have any questions: [email protected]
Q & A
There are currently no Q & A posts.
There are currently no Trainings posts.
Volunteer Musicians Needed to Save Salmon!
Volunteer based program looking for musicians that might be interested in a short volunteer gig on Sat. Oct 24th for some salmon saving volunteers!
I'm thinking acoustic/bluegrass for about an hour, mid-day. Band promotion in exchange for your volunteer time!
Please contact Lisa Beranek at [email protected] for more information!
Lisa Beranek * StreamTeam Coordinator * Clark Public Utilities
PO Box 8900 Vancouver Wa 98668 (360) 992-8585
"Bringing salmon back to Salmon Creek"
Art & Sustainability is our passion! Volunteer with SCRAP
Lend a Hand - Get Involved - We need you!
Whether you are interested in a one time event or long term placement, we’d like to hear from you. Last year SCRAP Volunteers contributed nearly 5000 hours of their time & energy to help us fulfill our mission.
Current Opportunities:
Retail Store Assistants: Work with Staff to receive, track, sort and stock donated materials; Provide customer service including individual problem solving, project planning and resource acquisition. Various 3 hour shifts available.
Accounting & Finance Volunteer Sought
Tryon Life Community Farm, an urban sustainability education center in SW Portland, is seeking a patient, numbers-loving volunteer to join our finance working group!
Specific duties we are looking for the volunteer to take over involve monthly reconciliations and reporting, as well as assistance in the yearly budgeting process and general knowledge and awareness of the finance system and how it works. Hours per month commitment ranges from 3 to 10, generally. While some background in bookkeeping, finance or accounting is useful, we are willing to train anybody who is enthusiastic and committed. Note that we are a consensus-run, open organization, and we are totally excited to work with you.
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