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Daily Digest

Digest for June 18, 2008

Digest Contents:

RE: Non-Park Uses in Portland Parks - Citywide Parks Team, 6/19/08
Job Opening: Program Coordinator with NCI
Growing Gardens Youth Garden Educator (NWSA AmeriCorps) position open
Portland Organizer
AmeriCorps--Part-time After-School Activities Provider
RACC Press Release: Arts Partners Initiative Bolstered by PGE Foundation
Summer nonprofit courses - online and face-to-face options
Community Consulting Program (CCP) Offers Pro-Bono Consulting Services


RE: Non-Park Uses in Portland Parks - Citywide Parks Team, 6/19/08

Portland Citywide Parks Team Meeting

Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Portland Building, Forest Park Room, 13th Floor 1120 SW 5th Ave, Portland

Topic:  Non-Park Uses on Portland Park Properties Guest:  Steve Planchon             Property/Contracts Manager             Portland Parks & Recreation

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Jobs & Internships

Job Opening: Program Coordinator with NCI

National Charrette Institute (NCI) Open Position Summary

Contact [email protected] to apply. For more information on NCI, visit our website at www.charretteinstitute.org.

Position: NCI Program Coordinator Reports to: Director of Operations, Executive Director Type of Position: Full-time, 40 hrs/wk Compensation: Starting at 14/hr, includes vacation, sick and medical benefits

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Growing Gardens Youth Garden Educator (NWSA AmeriCorps) position open

Growing Gardens is hiring a Youth Garden Educator (NWSA AmeriCorps) position. The Youth Grow Educator will be responsible for implementing hands-on after-school and summer garden clubs for elementary aged children; assisting with volunteer recruitment, coordination and recognition; and the coordination of family oriented gardening opportunities. The Youth Grow Educator will be supported by the Youth Grow Manager and will assist with implementing and evaluating a School Garden Coordinator training program. For more information about the position, and how to apply go to http://www.northwestserviceacademy.org/positions/GG_YGE.pdf For more information about Growing Gardens go to www.growing-gardens.org

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Portland Organizer

Job Announcement for Portland Organizer

Oregon Action is a statewide, grassroots community organization organizing low and middle income Oregonians to build power to improve their lives. We support a multi-issue, economic, racial and social justice agenda, focusing on such issues as hunger and poverty, access to healthcare, eliminating racial profiling, affordable housing, campaign finance reform, anti-war efforts and living wage jobs.

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AmeriCorps--Part-time After-School Activities Provider

Human Solutions, a non-profit social service agency in outer SE Portland seeks an energetic and committed individual to serve as a part-time AmeriCorps member at two low-income housing projects. The After-School Activities Provider will design after school programs and recruit youth participants. Recruiting additional volunteers will be essential to the success of the programs. This is a great opportunity to use your Russian language skills since most of the children have Russian as their first language. However, the ability to speak Russian is not a requirement for this position.

This position begins September 2008.

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Nonprofit News

RACC Press Release: Arts Partners Initiative Bolstered by PGE Foundation

For immediate release   Contact: Mary Bauer, Communications Associate Regional Arts & Culture Council  |  www.racc.org 108 NW 9th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, OR  97209-3318 503.823.5111  |  email: [email protected]   Through vision, leadership and service, the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) works to integrate arts and culture in all aspects of community life. 

June 17, 2008

Arts Partners Initiative Bolstered by PGE Foundation

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Q & A

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Summer nonprofit courses - online and face-to-face options

As you can see below, along with our face-to-face options, we are venturing into online courses this summer.  with “Fundamentals of Fundraising” a fully online (3 credit) course with Kevin Matheny. PA510 Sec 526, CRN 82864; PA 410 Sec W14, CRN 82844; and PA099 Sec W13, CRN 82843 If you want to understand the why and how of the wide array of fundraising techniques, this course is for you. “Grantwriting” a face-to-face weekend intensive (3 credit) course with Michael Wells.  PA525 Sec MKW, CRN 81497; PA 410 Sec MKW, CRN 81482. If you want to understand the grant acquisition process and acquire the skill necessary to write successful grant applications to private and governmental sources, this course is for you.

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Community Consulting Program (CCP) Offers Pro-Bono Consulting Services

Are you a small or medium-sized public-benefit non-profit within the Portland metro area needing consulting assistance with: •Leadership •Organization structure and culture •Strategy, goals, planning •Organizational processes and systems •Performance measures/rewards •Learning and building human capacity

If you need a consultant to focus on a critical need within your non-profit, but can’t afford to hire one, we may be able to help.

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Hi, I’m TC and I hope there is a guy out there who would like to be my mentor. I’m a 17-year-old boy and I like basketball, track, video games, riding my bike and going for hikes.

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