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CNRG Networking Night's are on the 3rd Thursday of the Month
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
Who's online
Nonprofit Internet Resources
Beta site for commercial-free information and links for nonprofits. A project of The Gilbert Center, this site uses a specialized and extensive search engine and tools to provide A 'Deep News Search' that draws upon an index of over 2000 web pages referred to by Nonprofit Online News.
Links to government agency homepages for information on grants and non-financial support. Sections include: Department/Agency gateways, Directory of Federal Government, Information services and links, and nonprofit resources.
A resource of CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, this site, Global Electronic Nonprofit Information Express, includes weekly news, feature articles, the board café newsletter, FAQs, links and publications. list of answers to frequently asked questions developed by the staff and sorted by management area. Also available: reviews of publications, extensive links, and free bi-weekly newsletter.
Site contains reports, articles, free resources, and an extensive nonprofit resource center that includes links to online publications, directories of nonprofits, listservs and discussion groups, and service providers.
Daily news for the nonprofit online community. Weekly news available free by email subscription. Current news with links for more in depth information. Index of news features.
Information and resources to help nonprofit staff and volunteers control risks. Site includes accessible newsletter archives, information about available publications, trainings, and consulting, and risk management links.
NPower's mission is helping other non-profits use technology to better serve their communities
The site features an extensive resource library including technology tools, tech planning, tech training, how to's, fundraising for technology, technology volunteers. The NpowerLine newsletter is archived and available for download. Newly added, the Tech Surveyor, is an extensive online technology assessment for nonprofit organizations.
As the name implies, OMB Watch monitors governmental processes at the Office of Management and Budget. The organization focuses on five main areas: Budget and government performance issues; Regulatory and government accountability; Information for democracy and community; Nonprofit advocacy and other cross-cutting nonprofit issues; and Nonprofit policy and technology. The comprehensive Nonprofit Issues section presents news and analysis on issues affecting nonprofits. An online newsletter, OMBWatcher is available.
The Web's leading source of nonprofit job listings for administrative, staff and professional positions, with an estimated half million hits per month. Search for a nonprofit sector job, post a job, find career resources in the library, or subscribe to a monthly e-mail newsletter.
Come get involved in the future of transportation: electric vehicles(EVs)! We meet once a month at the World Trade Center (see website) to gather and educate each other about EVs. Many members have converted their own cars to electric to kick the gasoline habit. Others have purchased commercially available EVs. We usually have between six and ten EVs at our meetings to educate people on the advantages and issues involved.