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LGBTQ relationship workshop June 28 at project E.Q.U.A.L. in Portland
LGBTQ Relationship Workshop at project E.Q.U.A.L. June 28th
Project E.Q.U.A.L. (Expanding Queer Understanding and Love) is offering our next LGBTQ Relationship Foundations workshop on Sunday, June 28th. Give your relationship the focus, recognition, and support it deserves and join us! If you know of friends, family, colleagues, or clients who would be interested, please pass on the invitation.
Here are some more details about the workshop, or feel free to learn more at http://www.projectequal.com
LGBTQ Relationship Foundations Workshop
Facilitated by: Michele Pearce, MSW, CSWA, CADC 1 & Mike Binks, LPC, CADC 3
Sunday, June 28, 2009 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (6 hours of workshop, with a 1 hour break for lunch) 4225 NE Tillamook St. - Portland, OR - 97213
$60-$100 per person - sliding scale. Additional discounts for registering early and/or registering with friends (see our website for details). If your household makes less than $60,000 a year you qualify for the sliding scale; please contact us to talk about how much the workshop would cost you. Call Michele Pearce (503) 290-8255 or Mike Binks (503) 740-0573 or e-mail us at [email protected] for more information.
To register, please click here or visit http://www.projectequal.com and click on the "register here" page.
Workshop Overview:
Connect to Communicate, then Communicate to Connect!
It's not just the words that count! Develop a strategy for teamwork and emotional connection that will protect your relationship during times of trouble.
Everyone Fights: Conflict Regulation
While it’s not possible to eliminate conflict, it is possible to learn how to navigate it more effectively. We’ll show you practical strategies for handling conflict in a way that supports your relationship instead of eroding it.
Getting Out of Gridlock & Deepening Intimacy
Getting clear about the past - the “old baggage” -allows you to be more present in your current relationship. Explore how your emotional history can lead you to feeling stuck in a repeated cycle of conflict. Unspoken dreams may also keep you mired in conflict. We’ll show you tools to help break out of those gridlocked patterns - strategies that can turn your differences into direction.
This workshop (and all project E.Q.U.A.L. services) are affirming of poly and kink relationships.
To register for the June 28th relationship workshop, please click here or visit http://www.projectequal.com and click on the "register here" page.
Project E.Q.U.A.L. has been offering LGBTQ-specific counseling and therapy, recovery services, wellness and support groups, and relationship workshops since 2007. Please visit our website at www.projectequal.com to learn more.
-- project E.Q.U.A.L.: Expanding Queer Understanding And Love
A team of queer therapists & educators offering services that strengthen bonds -- with yourself, your family, & your community.
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