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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Hostelling International Celebrates 100 Years!!
Come join us THIS SATURDAY JUNE 13th for a full day of family-friendly events at the NORTHWEST HOSTEL at 425 NW 18th Avenue.
1-5PM. FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENTS ~ FREE! The afternoon will bring hostellers, Hostelling International members, and locals together for a free public celebration with:
-Children's Activities (World Twister, Arts Table, Bean Bag Toss) -Hostel Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -Unveiling of Community Wall Murals -Informational Displays on our Educational Programs -International Snacks in the Cultural Kitchen
And More!
6-10PM. LIVE MUSIC, BBQ, Silent Auction, Speakers ~ Tickets $20
-Live Music -Silent Auction benefiting intercultural hostelling programs for Portland Youth -Traditional German BBQ options) -Our World - People, Places, Culture Exhibit (by Canadian Photographer Keith Levit)
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Altaira Hatton, "110 lbs. of Hell on Wheels", shares her travels to 393 cities and 29 countries in her wheel chair. - Harmony George Jaursch, CFO Girl Scouts Oregon tells of the important connections between Girl Scouts and Hostelling
Meet our National Board of Directors who will be in attendance
LAST CHANCE TO RESERVE TICKETS NOW @ 503-827-0405 or email [email protected]. Check out www.oregonhostels.org for more details.