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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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Share summer fun with a teen in foster care—become a mentor
What do you do on a great summer evening? Head up the Gorge for a short hike? Bike along the waterfront? Throw down a blanket at one of the free concerts in a park? You could do all that AND make a difference in the life of a teen in foster care at the same time. Just take him/her along. Ask how his day went. Ask her what’s on tap for tomorrow. And when September rolls around he might invite you to watch him play ball for his school or help her look at area colleges. Your presence in his or her life might make the difference between good choices or bad.
Powerhouse Mentoring matches adults one-on-one with teens in the foster care system in Multnomah County. We provide training up front so you know what to expect. We continue to support you throughout the match with a Masters-level counselor on staff as well as in-service training and casual get-togethers with other mentors. We require a one-year commitment with 10 hours per month given to the match (includes travel time, phone, emails). Learn more at www.powerhouseprogram.org. Our next New Mentor Training is Wednesday evening, June 24, 2009 at 5;30 – 9:30 PM. You can download our application at http://www.powerhouseprogram.org/pdf/VolApplication08.pdf. To ask questions call Maria at 503-234-8757 x.24 or [email protected]