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Free! Subs on the Slough, 8/14

Subs on the Slough

Friday, August 14th

11:30 am to 1 pm

Portland Water Bureau Canoe Launch, 16650 NE Airport Way, Portland OR 97230

Come enjoy the Slough in summer with lunch at a hidden gem of a canoe launch. This event is a fun way to meet Slough neighbors & friends, have a great lunch and learn more about our local groundwater resource and the Groundwater Protection Program that is under way in the Columbia Slough watershed.

Advanced registration required at www.columbiaslough.org or by calling 503-956-8558. Free!

Melissa Sandoz

Outreach Director

Columbia Slough Watershed Council

7040 NE 47th Ave

Portland, OR 97218



To foster action to protect, enhance, restore and revitalize the Slough and its watershed