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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Kid's Ceramics Class
Last chance to sign up, just a few spots left! Tuesdays in August (Aug. 4th-25th) 2-3:30pm! This class explores a wide range of basic pottery techniques including: wheel throwing, pinch pots, sculptural forms and masks, as well as firing and glazing. Children ages 4-10 will make a variety of pottery items to bring home. $80 per child or $75 each if you sign up with a friend includes all materials and firing. Scholarships may be available.
Instructor Emily Weisbard is the founder of the Skill Share Studio. She draws from a wide range to experience, from teaching in area schools as SCRAP's Creative Reuse Educator, to working as a Ceramicist and Educator for the Southern Oregon Historical Society, and at a Waldorf-based preschool. Email her at SkillShareStudio (at) Gmail.com or call 503-481-8951.
Skill Share Studio is a community education space dedicated to creative collaboration and accessible arts and sustainability education. We have a beautiful space located in inner NE Portland where we host a variety of events from ceramics to circus skills, sewing to rainwater catchment. More information can be found at www.skillsharestudio.org.
-- Skill Share Studio 3969 NE Rodney Ave (off Shaver) www.skillsharestudio.org