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CNRG is a cosponsor for this year's Idealist Nonprofit Career Fair, Wednesday, October 14th, 11am - 3pm.
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Take a weekend Permaculture Design Course with Toby Hemenway starting in September!
There is still room in Toby Hemenway's weekend Portland Permaculture Design Course! The curriculum is the full 72-hour certification course, with certification being offered through the Permaculture Institute USA, the US branch of the International Permaculture Institute.
Toby will be the principal instructor and he will be bringing in several more of the most senior and experienced permaculture instructors in the world, as well as local experts. The course will include a team design project to give hands-on experience in creating a design for a site.
The course costs $850 and will meet one weekend a month: September 19-20, October 17-18, November 14-15, December 12-13, January 16-17, February 20-21.
Check out: http://www.patternliteracy.com/designcoursefaq.html.
Contact [email protected] or call 503-548-8459 for more info.
Space is filling fast so sign up soon!