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East Portland Kids Get a Safe Place to Play
Press Release: For Immediate Release
Date: Oct. 12, 2009
Event Date: Monday, Oct 19th
Contact: Nick Sauvie, Executive Director
(503) 788-8052 x106 or [email protected]
Many hands do heavy lifting as Marysville School Community Park dream comes true
SOUTHEAST PORTLAND – Around the end of October, teachers at Southeast Portland’s Marysville School should find their students to be much more attentive during class.
By that time, all the kids will have had a chance to try out the community park and playground, which officially opens on Monday, Oct. 19. The new 3.35-acre park, built by Portland’s R&H Construction in a $1.4 million project managed by ROSE Community Development, will feature new play structures, covered pavilions, artwork and a refurbished soccer field.
For the students, who started school on Sept. 9, it’s been a long six weeks of staring out the window. For the parents and community surrounding the school, the wait’s been even longer.
The Marysville School Advisory Committee launched the project more than five years ago, obtaining financial support from an impressive array of donors. Nancy Wilgenbusch, former President of Marylhurst University as well as Suzanne Washington, Deputy Director of Impact NW were both catalysts for pulling together the multiple partners needed to get the project off the ground and lead the fundraising efforts that raised over $1,000,000 for the park. Adding the school’s property to the Lents Town Center Urban Renewal Area helped to secure funding of over $600,000 from Portland Development Commission, which helped set the park on the fast track.
The funds were necessary because the project was so extensive: converting an asphalt lot with minimal equipment into a vibrant community park, designed by local firm MCM Architects. The new design opens up the park to the community and provides unique and creative play environments for neighboring children. Grassy mounds, climbing rocks, a gravel trail and sculptural play equipment are some of the highlights. There are also new pavilions for covered play and weekend picnicking, security lighting, and basins landscaped with native plants for stormwater treatment. More than 30 new trees and thousands of plants were added to the park.
Due to the scope of the work, ROSE Community Development was asked this spring to take on the project, because of ROSE’s expertise in construction management and track record of working with multiple public and private funding sources. Mike Masat, ROSE’s Housing Director, oversaw the project; contractor R&H Construction brought in more than 70 local workers.
This is a unique project which has drawn support from both the public and private sector. The tremendous support of PDC, The City of Portland, PPS, generous in-kind services from local consultants and years of service from the dedicated members of The Marysville Advisory Council were all key to the project’s success.
The years of hard work on this project will be celebrated on Oct. 19 with a formal ribbon-cutting at the school, located at 7733 SE Raymond St. The half-hour ceremony, beginning at 2:00 p.m. will include remarks by Marysville principal Lana Penley and a dedication to be given by a Marysville student. City Commissioner Randy Leonard will cut the ribbon. Decades of fun and games will follow.
What: Grand opening of park at Southeast Portland’s Marysville School
When: Monday, Oct. 19 from 2 to 2:30 p.m. Rain or shine (This is Portland, after all.)
Where: Marysville School, 7733 SE Raymond St.
Notable: City Commissioner Randy Leonard will cut a ribbon to officially open the playground.
Vivian Satterfield
ROSE Community Development
5215 SE Duke
Portland, OR 97206
t: 503-788-8052
f: 503-788-9197