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Learn About Independent Living at a Free Open House at QUAD Inc.

If you come to visit one of QUAD Inc.'s facilities during an upcoming Open House, you'll learn why this unique combination of affordable, accessible apartments and shared attendant care offers a really different approach to independence for people with severe physical disabilities.

Hear from residents, visit some apartments, grasp our vision for the future...all that in one hour!

Here is the Open House schedule:

Tuesday, October 20, 11:00 am Burnside Station Apartments, 240 SE 160th in East Portland

Thursday, October 22, 5:00 pm at Rolling Green Apartments, 2206 SE 44th in Hillsboro

Saturday, October 24, 10:00 am at Myers Court, 2600 N. Williams in No. Portland

Wednesday, October 28, 1:00 pm at Central Station Apartments, 777 NE 8th St. in Gresham

Get directions to our building at www.quadinc.org, call Cheryl at 503.287.4260 ext. 104, or email [email protected].

QUAD Inc. -- Quadriplegics United Against Dependency -- is a non-profit community benefit founded in 1975 by people with disabilities who were not satisfied with the limited living options available for those relying on a wheelchair. Today, QUAD Inc. offers a unique brand of resident-directed, shared attendant care at four fully-accessible apartment buildings throughout metro Portland.

Visit www.quadinc.org