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International Day of Climate Action this SATURDAY!

Join the Global Day of Climate Action on October 24th in Portland as part of 350.org. In Portland, the list of "350" events is growing daily. Already scheduled for our October 24th DAY OF CLIMATE ACTION is a kayak and canoe formation of the number "350" on the Willamette. PSU students, bicyclists, walkers supporting the 350-mile coastal trek, families, and concerned individuals will convene in Pioneer Square.

The goal of 350.org is to send a messsage to the delegates of the Copenhagen Conference On Climate Change (December 2009) from concerned citizens of our world. The United Nations is working on a treaty, which is supposed to be completed in December of 2009 at a conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. But the current plans for the treaty are much too weak to get us back to safety. This is why we need to get the attention of leaders around the world and put pressure on them to attend the Copenhagen Conference and pass a treaty that is "ambitious, fair and binding" This is where we come in as citizens making our voices heard while other people around the world will be doing the same on October 24th.

Photographs from our local events, along with other images from around the planet will be transmitted as an international plea for carbon reduction. Performers and speakers will help mark this special day from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in Pioneer Courthouse Square.

Please visit 350.org to find out more about what is happening around the world and how you can be involved and visit http://www.350oregon.org/home to see how you can be involved here in Portland. It is not to late to join an action or plan one of your own. We look forward to seeing you on October 24th.

October 24 comes six weeks before those Copenhagen meetings. If we all do our job, then every negotiator from every nation will know the question that they'll be asked when they put forth a plan: will this get us back to 350?

Questions? Contact [email protected]