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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
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Museletter | Portland Revels tickets on Sale NOW
As many of you know, the Portland Revels Christmas show this year has a Celtic theme, an Irish celebration of the winter solstice with theater, dance, music and song (English and Gaelic). The show will be held at the Scottish Rite Theater, 1507 S.W. Morrison St.
The revels cast of about 75 adults and children will be joined by:
Musicians: fiddler Kevin Burke, with fiddler Betsy Branch, harpist Elizabeth Nicholson and Uilleann piper Channing Dodson, Portland Brass Quintet
Sean-nós dancers: Maldon Meehan joined by Meredith English, Maureen Sheridan and Melia Tinchenor
There will be eleven performance (evening and matinee), December 4-6 and 10-13. Tickets are on sale NOW! Shows sell out every year.
Tickets can be purchases online www.portlandrevels.org or by phone Revels Box Office at 503-200-1603.
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