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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Web Manager - Taste of the Nation Portland
Taste of the Nation Portland, the region's premiere culinary event, host 50 restaurants, 25 wineries, breweries and mixologist all coming together to raise money for local and national hunger relief agencies. Taste of the Nation Portland will be on Monday, April 26th 2010.
Taste of the Nation Portland is seeking a Volunteer Web Manager. This role will manage all content on TOTN website. Web manager is responsible for assuring TONT brand is used properly as well as correct content is on website. The Web Manager will need to work cooperatively with other committee members to obtain relevant event information for the website. In addition, this role will also format monthly (weekly closer to event) newsletters to our listserv. Chair must be familiar with HTML and MoveableType (or similar) content manager as well as general website maintenance and enhancement. This position will not be responsible for creating text content on site, but coordinating needed information for other sources. Any input for Web Manger is of course welcomed.
Time Commitment: Several hours a month Oct-Dec, Several hours a week Jan-April
Please respond to [email protected] with interest, a bit about yourself and relavent exp.