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Nonprofit Financial Fundamentals | TACS Workshop with Kay Sohl

Presenter: Kay Sohl, Nonprofit Consultant and Founder of TACS

Date: January 7, 2010

Time: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Master the tools that every executive director, fiscal manager, and board member needs for effective financial management in uncertain times. Learn budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting techniques to deal with multiple programs and multiple funding sources, cash flow issues, and the challenge of building reserves.

Master the five essential functions for effective financial management:

  • Planning: Annual budgets, capital budgets, grant budgets, cash flow projections
  • Execution: Fiscal controls to protect your nonprofit
  • Recording: Accounting system choices and challenges
  • Reporting: Getting and using the financial info you need
  • Monitoring: Tracking progress and revising course

Nonprofit Financial Fundamentals provides practical approaches to strengthen your nonprofit's financial management and meet the highest standards for accountability. This full-day, interactive workshop also offers a great opportunity to improve communication between executive directors and fiscal managers/accountants and to increase board involvement in productive financial oversight. Take home a comprehensive packet of self assessment tools, checklists, and samples to help your board and staff address key financial management issues for your nonprofit.

The Presenter

Kay Sohl has provided financial management training and consultation for over 3000 nonprofit organizations throughout the Northwest. Training participants praise Kay's ability to make complex financial tools and concepts understandable for both non-financial and financial audiences. Kay draws on her experience as a nonprofit board member, executive director, consultant, and auditor to provide multiple perspectives on some of the most daunting issues confronting nonprofits today.


This training will benefit anyone wanting to understand the tools and challenges of nonprofit financial management, including executive directors, fiscal staff and board members.


Ecotrust Conference Center

721 NW 9th Ave

Portland, Oregon 97209

Click here for more transportation information.


Regular Admission: $150

NAO Member Admission: $135 - Learn more about the Nonprofit Association of Oregon (NAO).


REGISTER BY PHONE: 503.239.4001 x 123

Registration includes continental breakfast and lunch.