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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Northwest Housing Alternatives seeks volunteers to serve on our Board of Directors
Northwest Housing Alternatives (NHA), a stable nonprofit organization, seeks volunteers to serve two-year terms on our Board of Directors. NHA provides homes to 2,328 people across the state of Oregon. Our affordable rental units serve people with low incomes including families, seniors and people with special needs. NHA also provides emergency shelter, transitional housing and services to help residents remain stable and access new opportunities for success. The organization is a leader in the local affordable housing industry, and service on our board may provide experience and entrée to someone hoping to get into housing, social services or other nonprofit work.
What We’re Looking For - We are looking for two new Board members. We hope that both volunteers will have an interest in affordable housing. We are particularly looking for Board members with experience or interest in social services, communications/fund raising, or accounting/finance.
Board Member Requirements - Because NHA is a HUD-designated Community Housing Development Organization, we are looking for Board members who earn a low/mod income (about $39,000 per year for an individual), or live in a neighborhood with a majority of low/mod income households. Please indicate if you meet either of these requirements and provide your address in your letter of interest. You may also contact us for more details regarding these requirements.
Volunteer Commitment - We are looking for a two-year commitment for Board members. The Board meets 10 times each year at our offices in Milwaukie. We anticipate that each Board member spends approximately 4 hours each month to prepare for and attend the meetings. The Board also holds a full-day retreat each spring. Board members may serve on ad hoc or ongoing topical committees. Board members are also asked to attend fund raising events, groundbreaking or ribbon cutting events, client events and the organization’s holiday party.
Interested? Please send a note expressing your interest and background to Allison Adcox ([email protected]) or call 503-654-1007.