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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Nonprofit Courses start this week.
If you hurry, you can still sign up for one or more of our exciting nonprofit-related courses this term. For more info, go to http://www.inpm.pdx.edu/nonprofit-related-courses-winter-2010. Courses include “Advanced Fundraising: Major & Planned Gifts” “Arts Administration” “Financial Management of Nonprofit Organizations” “Grantwriting” “History and Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector” “Strategic Planning” “Values-Based Management” For information on our new ONLINE courses in the Volunteer Engagement and Leadership Program (VELP), see http://extended.pdx.edu/degrcomp/programs/v_engagement_online.php.
Sharon Hasenjaeger Assistant Director Institute for Nonprofit Management Portland State University Tel: (503) 725-8221 Fax: (503) 725-8045 [email protected] www.inpm.pdx.edu for information on INPM’s nonprofit courses and events