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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Project Enterprise/Steps to Success
Save valuable staff time and money - Students in the Steps to Success/Project Enterprise program are actively looking for volunteer projects they can work on either inside the classroom or at your site.
The following services are available to local businesses and organizations at no cost:
Make reminder phone calls Assemble newsletters and mass mailings Binding training materials/notebooks Assembling small products Assemble marketing, educational, or training material notebooks Fold brochures, affix labels and stickers Event set-up
If you would like additional information please contact: Sue Spencer, Business Services Coordinator,Project Enterprise/Steps To Success, MHCC (503) 256-0432 x22231 or [email protected]