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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
Who's online
Mark Your Calendar - January 21st NOVAA (Northwest Oregon Volunteer Administrators Association) Meeting
Documenting your work — in numbers, photographs, good record keeping and in other ways — is valuable for a variety of reasons. Communicating with your managers and team, showing the valuable impact of your work, advocating for yourself, tracking your team's progress and — during a career transition — sharing your accomplishments with a hiring manager are all easier to do when you've saved evidence of your efforts. Join us for the January NOVAA meeting and learn about Documenting Your Work - Keeping Good Records and "Artifacts" of Your Accomplishments. NOVAA member Amy Potthast, Director of Service and Graduate Education Programs at Idealist.org, will explore how and why volunteer resource managers should take the time to document their accomplishments, and will offer concrete suggestions for how you can get started right away!
Bring a lunch, do some networking, and learn something new!
Date: Thursday, January 21
Time: Noon* to 1:30 pm *Note: A short period of networking begins at 12:00 noon. Introductions and announcements will begin at 12:10 p.m, followed by the presentation. There will be more time for networking at the conclusion of the program.
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Kempton Hall 147 NW 19th Ave. Portland, OR 97209
Directions: The cathedral is located at 147 NW 19th Avenue in Portland. There is a large parking lot directly across from the cathedral on 19th, and a smaller one south of the cathedral on 19th. Go through the main gate on 19th Avenue and go up the steps and to your left. Someone will be stationed at the door to greet you and direct you to Kempton Hall.
Hope to see you there!