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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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"Safety in Our Parks" at Citywide Parks Team, Tues, Jan 26 (NOTE new date & location!)
Citywide Parks Team Meeting
******* Notice New Date ******* Tuesday, January 26, 2010 7:00 - 8:30 pm
***** Notice New Location ***** Mt Tabor SUN Community School 5800 SE Ash St (between E Burnside & SE Stark)
Topic: Safety in Our Parks Guest: Mark Warrington, Public Safety & Security Manager, Portland Parks & Recreation
The Citywide Parks Team is not dead. However, both the meeting date and location have changed. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 26 from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm, at the Mt Tabor SUN Community School, 5800 SE Ash St (between E. Burnside and SE Stark).
Our guest speaker is Mark Warrington, Manager of Public Safety & Security for Portland Parks and Recreation. The topic will be centered around safety and security in our parks and facilities.
The Portland Citywide Parks Team is an ad hoc citizens group, formed in February 2005, to provide a forum for information-sharing and an exchange of ideas -- and for respectful discourse on park issues and policies. Meetings also provide networking opportunities with others who are working and volunteering to make Portland's parks even better than they are today. It's citizen-initiated, citizen-led, and intended for all Portlanders who care about getting things done in and for parks in Portland. Meetings are open to anyone. Interested individuals are encouraged to drop in whenever they can. It's a self-selected, ever-changing group that meets monthly, on the 4th Tuesday.
Citywide Parks Team