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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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Energy Conservation Technician--Beaverton School District
Northwest Service Academy's Professional Placement program has an opening for an Energy Conservation Technician with the Beaverton School District.The Energy Conservation Technician will work with the Energy & Resource Conservation Program Manager and the HVAC Foreman to strategize, design, implement and maintain a system for more responsive HVAC event scheduling of our 50-campus District (50%). This team will also develop a strategy for utilization of the District’s interval metering data service. This includes set-up of reasonable consumption alarms and work in conjunction with HVAC department to respond to these alarms, along with implementation of a long-term departmental solution to monitor and respond to interval metering service. May also include development of training program for building operators on the use of the interval metering service, first response activities, and when and how to contact HVAC department to advise of suspect issues (25%). The Energy Conservation Technician will be involved in the implementation and savings verification of various SB1149 energy efficiency projects, and will also assist with projects involving the Energy Trust (25%). To apply, please see position description at www.nwserviceacademy.org.