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Non-Profit Networking Night
3rd Thursdays

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Saturday 1-3pm! Extended tour of TLC Farm!

Remember TLC Farm's fantastic birth story five years ago?  Thousands of people across the region wove their efforts to protect the land and co-create Portland's most integrated and unique community sustainability education center!  Have you been out to see what's evolved?  This Saturday is a great chance: come on out and learn the ins and outs of TLC Farm's land projects, programs, history and future possibles. From 1-3pm Jenny Leis will be leading an extended tour, so call up a friend and enjoy the spring equinox and sunny weather together at TLC's lovely land. TLC Farm is a seven-acre grassroots sustainability education center.  We are a very unique community effort that demonstrates the weaving of human and non-human worlds through gardens, farm animals, natural building, habitat restoration, a 25-person intentional community, and the social ecology of movement building.Directions are on our website: www.tryonfarm.org. Please note that we have limited parking at the Farm, and we highly recommend adding a wonderful short hike through Tryon Creek State Park by parking at their Nature Center on Terwilligar and hiking over (via West Horse Loop; hiking directions also on our website).  Email Jenny if you have questions: [email protected].