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The Apathy Rehab Place Presents The World Premier of BLOCK REPAIR!

BLOCK Repair: The World Premier!!! Led By: Mark Lakeman & Michael Cook of The City Repair Project

Be there for the first-ever workshop for the whole-ecological transformation of your own BLOCK! In an accelerated, 2-hour period of time each participant will envision and document many of the most significant dimensions of social and ecological TRANSITION that will prove vital to the sustainability of your own place!

For: People who are interested in urban applications of permaculture, community and social justice activists, and students of any age. It will also prove of high eventual interest to everyone else, frankly.

Preparation: Please bring a drawing to scale, prepared by you, of your own block, including the outlines of houses and buildings, major flora, the locations of porches, entrances, and other significant existing features. Please bring several extra copies. This drawing can be sketchy or highly refined. Either will work, but the more detail the better.Important! www.portlandmaps.com will make it especially easy to create such a map, for those who don't have a photographic (aerial) memory.

Also Bring: Art supplies such as color pencils or pens.

When: Saturday, March 27th, 3:30 - 5:30pm

Where: The Apathy Rehabilitation Place Located at SeaChange Gallery 625 NW Everett Street Gallery #110 Portland, OR 97209

How: $5 - 10 Sliding Scale Donation at the Door, no one turned away for lack of funds.

Contact: www.seachangegallery.org, www.cityrepair.org (see "public events"), [email protected]