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Invasive Species Removal near White Salmon, WA. 4/9.
Columbia Land Trust is hosting a volunteer work party at our Little White Salmon Biodiversity Reserve near White Salmon, WA. The Land Trust works with landowners and communities in the Columbia River region to conserve signature landscapes and vital habitat. Little White Salmon is a very special property, as it provides crucial habitat for a number of plant and animal species.
On Friday, April 9 from 10 AM to 3 PM we are hosting a volunteer work party to help with restoration of this unique property. Thanks to help from our volunteers, we have made great headway on the Scots Broom and thistle invasion at the reserve. Come lend a hand, or two, in our ongoing effort to control the spread of these species.
If you are interested in helping out or would like more information, please contact Kelly Kay, volunteer coordinator, at [email protected] or (360) 213-1215. Carpooling opportunities may be available from the Portland/Vancouver area.