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Neighbors as communities: Supporting neighborhoods - April 14th - 7pm
The second of a series on organizing local Transition Initiatives and other neighborhood groups will feature some different approaches to organizing and supporting neighborhoods. Each one will describe how they got started and what worked to bring people together and create community.
- Linda Hunter is the Community Outreach Manager for Our United Villages, a non-profit agency dedicated to inspiring people to value and discover existing resources to strengthen the social and environmental vitality of communities. Community Outreach provides opportunities for people to come together to share their ideas to inspire practices that strengthen community.
- The SE Portland Tool Library is the third of four tool libraries to get underway in Portland. Steve Couche will cover his experiences in organizing the SEPTL as well as the experience of the other tool libraries in town.
- Maggie Maggio is a volunteer with TaborSpace, a nonprofit coffeehouse and gathering place for the Mt. Tabor neighborhood that opened in June of last year. Staffed by volunteers from the neighborhood, TaborSpace is open during the day for local coffee, tea and pastries, and open during the evening for a variety of special events.
The panel will be followed by discussion of how we might apply these lessons in our neighborhoods. Join us in learning how to build community and have a good time while doing it!
When: Wednesday, April 14th - 7pm
where: St. Francis Dining Hall - 1182 SE Pine St.
web: http://www.thedirt.org/node/4796
Sponsored by the Transition PDX Outreach and Transition Neighborhood groups.