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Oregon Master Naturalist Program Questionnaire
Oregon Master Naturalist Program Questionnaire
Dear friend of Oregon’s natural resources,
You have received this email because of your affiliations with various conservation, education, and/or volunteer groups. My apologies for any cross postings, as I understand you may belong to multiple lists. Please read on to learn how you can get involved. In less than a year, Oregon State University will be launching the new Oregon Master Naturalist Program (OMNP). We are seeking your assistance so that we may know more about our potential audience to develop the best possible Master Naturalist program for the state. You are being asked to complete a brief survey. It should not take more than 15 minutes of your time. In accordance with law, your responses will remain confidential, meaning your individual responses will not be attached to personal information and will be combined with other responses as an average. There is no direct benefit to you for participating. By completing this survey, you will help us develop a program that will provide participants with the best, most applicable information about Oregon’s natural resources. There is no risk to you for taking this survey and not answering questions will not affect your opportunity to participate in the program at a future time. Answering the questions is voluntary, so you can skip any question or end the survey at anytime without penalty. For questions about this survey, please contact me at [email protected] or at 541-737-3856. For questions about human subjects participating in OSU research, please contact the OSU Institutional Review Board office at 541-737-8008, email at [email protected]. Please click here to be taken to our survey web site: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/oregonmasternaturalistaudiencedemographics
Feel free to pass this email on to others who might like to take this survey, including your spouse or significant other. We are interested in hearing from as many Oregonians as possible. Remember to copy and paste this entire email, not just the link.
Thank you very much for your participation!
What is the Oregon Master Naturalist Program? The Oregon Master Naturalist Program is a new program coordinated by Oregon State University Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Service. This program will teach Oregon residents about a broad range of Oregon’s flora, fauna, natural processes, and resource management topics through a combination of formal instruction and hands-on field experiences. Participants would give back in volunteer service upon completing formal training. The program is funding by the following partners: Oregon Department of Forestry, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Oregon State University Extension Forestry and Natural Resources Program, Oregon State University Extension Agricultural Sciences Program, Oregon State University Extension 4-H Youth Development Program and Oregon Sea Grant. --
Jason P. O'Brien Program Coordinator Oregon Master Naturalist [email protected] www.oregonmasternaturalist.org
Office | 541-737-3856 Fax | 541-737-3008
Forestry Extension Oregon State University 237 Peavy Hall Corvallis, OR 97331