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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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VoiceCatcher Fundraiser Workshop
*Writing in Community*
5th Annual VoiceCatcher Fundraiser Workshop with Jenn Lalime & Sara Guest
Sunday, May 2 from 1-4:30pm
North Portland - directions provided after registration.
Women writers of all experience levels are welcome to join us for an afternoon of writing in community. Sara and Jenn will lead the workshop based on the Amherst Writers and Artists Method. Each participant will generate new writing in a supportive environment through a variety of prompts that inspire the imagination and encourage experimentation with different styles and genres.
Snacks, drinks and great writing prompts provided.
Registration fee: $40-$60 sliding scale
Register: [email protected]
*VoiceCatcher: where many voices become one community*
VoiceCatcher is a non-profit collective that nurtures women authors in the Portland-Vancouver area and strengthens the local writing community by offering publishing opportunities, public readings, writing scholarships, and respectful editorial guidance.