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Bank of America $200,000 & $5,000 Grants: June 1 Deadline
As community leaders in Metro Portland and Vancouver, we want to let you know that the Bank of America Charitable Foundation Neighborhood Excellence Initiative is underway for 2010. We are proud to support the significant efforts of the organizations and individuals making a difference in the communities we serve by providing them with grant support and leadership development opportunities.
Since 2004, through Neighborhood Excellence Initiative, Bank of America has invested more than $110 million in nonprofit organizations across the country and provided nearly 500 organizations with strategic leadership development training. By combining leadership development with mission-based funding to organizations addressing critical needs across the country, we hope to strengthen the economic and social health of the communities we serve.
The Neighborhood Excellence Initiative is currently accepting grant applications for the following awards:
Neighborhood Builders® – Provides $200,000 in general operating support grant funding and leadership training over two years to two neighborhood nonprofit organizations working to promote vibrant neighborhoods. Organizations in the following areas are especially encouraged to apply: arts & culture, community development and neighborhood revitalization, financial literacy and K-12 education.
Local Heroes - Recognizes and honors five community heroes per year; recipients are able to direct a $5,000 contribution to an eligible nonprofit of their choice. K-12 teachers are especially encouraged to apply.
To learn more about the program and to apply, visit http://www.bankofamerica.com/neighborhoodexcellence
Please note that the deadline for applications is Tuesday, June 1 at 5 p.m.
Questions about the Neighborhood Excellence Initiative? Please contact Nicole Frisch at [email protected].