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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on October 21st
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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This week's education program at the AHC
Whidden and Lewis and the Maturing of Portland Architecture Saturday, May 15, 201010 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Members: $13General Public: $18 Pre-registration is strongly suggested
At the turn of the twentieth century, architects William Whidden and Ion Lewis stood at the forefront of design in the Pacific Northwest, bringing new styles and innovations to Portland’s commercial, residential, and public buildings. From the six-story Concord Building to Portland’s City Hall, many of the firm’s buildings are today listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Additionally, their residential designs were so prolific that a 1989 book, Matters of Proportion, focused entirely on the firm’s Portland houses.
Sponsored by: Hammer and Hand For more info and to purchase visit our website: http://www.visitahc.org/content/upcoming-programs
Barbara Pierce
Marketing and PR Manager
Regular Office Hours: Wed 9am-6pm
Architectural Heritage Center
Resources and Inspiration for Historic Preservation
701 SE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97214 503.231.7264 x24 www.VisitAHC.org