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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on October 21st
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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Envrironmental School Seeks Ag/Enviro Educator for Volunteer Garden Coordinator Position
Springwater Environmental Sciences School seeks a volunteer Garden Coordinator. Our impressive garden is a fenced space approx. 170’ x 30’ with four large raised beds, a brand new drip irrigation system, and an amphitheater outdoor classroom.
We are located outside the urban growth boundary, near the town of Carver, in a rural setting with stunning views of Mt. Hood. Our students and families are environmentally aware, love spending time outside getting dirty, and are eager to work and learn. All we need is someone with the vision and energy to help us launch and orchestrate the garden program.
The Coordinator will be in charge of garden planning (layout, choice of plants, harvest schedule, etc.), mobilizing and organizing volunteers, controlling weeds, mulching, watering schedule, planting, harvesting, and planning with teachers to tie the garden into curriculum. This is a commitment requiring someone who both has ideas and is willing to get dirty and work hard.
If interested, please contact Shelley at Shelley(at)springwaterschool.com Please feel free to forward this posting to anyone who you think might be interested.