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Movies and Meaning Group "Small Change" - May 20
Hello Movie Lovers,
Join us for "Small Change" this Thursday, May 20, for our Movies and Meaning group. Read this excerpt from Roger Ebert's review:
"Children exist in a state of grace," he has a character say at one point. "They pass untouched through dangers that would destroy an adult." There are several such hazards in "Small Change." The most audacious - Truffaut at his best - involves a 2-year old child, a kitten, and an open window on the 10th floor. Truffaut milks this situation amost shamelessly before finally giving us the happiest of denouements. And he exhibits at the same time his mastery of film; the scene is timed and played to exist exactly at the border between comedy and tragedy, and from one moment to the next we don't know how we should feel." Read more at: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19760101/REVIEWS/601010310/1023
I look forward to an enjoyable and probing discussion about the nature of childhood. It should raise questions about innocence, sin, and "the faith of little children."
JOIN US THIS MONTH FOR: Small Change, Rated PG, 104 minutes, Thursday, May 20, 7:00 p.m. (6:45 in lobby), Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy Blvd., $6.50.
DISCUSSION FOLLOWING Hollywood Wine and Bar,directly across the street from theater.
RSVP's appreciated! RSVP to [email protected]