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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Do you like to boss people around?
Are you good at managing volunteers? Whether you're a pro at directing volunteers, or are a detail-oriented person who enjoys big events, your skills are needed!
Hands On will be hosting a volunteer experience for 2,000 Intel volunteers and their families at OMSI on Friday, May 28th from 5:30 -10pm. We need your help to make this a success!
Projects will include Love Letters for Kids, creating recipe books for families in need and collecting/cleaning books for the Children's Book Bank. You can help ensure that each project is a success by signing up as a "Crowd Manager" for this event.
Crowd Managers will help ensure that each project station has enough volunteers by communicating with project leaders and helping to direct volunteers as they arrive. Dinner and t-shirts will be provided. Volunteers will also be given breaks periodically throughout the project.
Mark your calendar and sign up here: http://www.handsonportland.org/projects/viewProject.php?_mode=occurrenceView&_action=load&sFrom=monthlyCalendar&ixActivity=4002&ixAffiliateRegion=&sZipcode=&bAvailable=&dtBegin=2010-5-28&dtEnd=2010-5-28&_setFlag=&_clearFlag
Kimberly Livesay
Special Projects Coordinator
Hands On Greater Portland
p: 503.200.3366