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Crossroads for Humanity: Power, Culture & Collaboration/ Wed & Sat Workshops
Workshop Leaders: Liora Adler & Andrew Langford
2010 - At this crossroads for humanity a questions arises: - What are the key projects that we should work on, with minimum effort and for maximum effect, and how might we best continue to develop a globally coherent and mutually supportive Work-Net of collaboration capable of stepping up to the scale of the task?
This workshop starts with a realistic appraisal of the current situation with regard to the relative power of various interest groups seeking to configure and reconfigure all of human culture. We will pay particular attention to the emergence of powerful Patrix*-dominated political movements like the Tea Party in the USA, the anti- indigenous antics of the ruling party of India and the rising strength of the Asian manufacturing complex. Importantly, we will be examining our relative power, those of us who envision an ecologically regenerative and social just culture, to theirs. This is not to be alarmist, defeatist or hopeless (and we will look at how fear of these feelings interrupts our capacity for action) - indeed, we are deeply optimistic for a human future. We are seeking to come to terms with the scope of engagement required to de-construct and out-wit the Patrix* in ourselves and in others and we are looking for allies in this work. The Patrix is the often hidden web of beliefs and behaviors arising our of racism, sexism, the class system, homophobia and more. The workshop will be active and inter-active.
When: Saturday, May 29th from 10a, - 12pm Where: St. David's Church of Wales at 2800 SE Harrison St. Portland, Oregon. Cost: $10 - 20
When: Wednedsay June 2nd from 10am - 12pm Where: St. David's Church of Wales at 2800 SE Harrison St. Portland, Oregon. Cost: $10 - 20
This workshop is a portion of The Village Building Convergence. For a full listing of events go to www.cityrepair.org and click on the link to download The Village Builder. Thanks!