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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Linking the Permaculture Web: Ways we can be truly effective through collaboration
Workshop Leader: Doniga Markegard Doniga and her husband Erik operate a family farm outside of San Francisco, managing 3000 acres in carbon sequestering perennial polyculture for grass-fed livestock.
There is great potential for more collaboration to create mutually beneficial relationships between the large urban populations and the small rural populations and to create links between the vast public and private lands and ecologically minded land stewards. Doniga will share opportunities and ways everyone can have access to mentors to help people take action in regenerating the land, having an excellent quality of life and healing the planet. Come find out about Earth Action Mentor, the revolutionary online community collaborative that will help you to become truly effective in your own community and link up with the expansive permaculture web.
When: Monday May 31st from 10am - 12pm Where: St. David's Church of Wales at 2800 SE Harrison St. Portland, Oregon. Cost: $10 - 20
This workshop is a portion of The Village Building Convergence. For a full listing of events go to www.cityrepair.org and click on the link to download The Village Builder. Thanks!