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Holding Power Well: Process for Collaborative Groups
Workshop Leader: Starhawk
In permaculture, in natural building, in social change work and visionary activism, the easy part is dealing with the vegetables or the cob. The hard part is often dealing with the people. Co-creative groups, collaborative groups without traditional hierarchies of power, can be empowering and inspiring places to work and be, but they face unique challenges. So often we come together full of enthusiasm, only to founder on the rocks of conflict and poor communication. And when no one has the authority to step in and set things to right, groups often spin out of control. In this three-hour workshop, we’ll look at ways to structure our groups that foster clear communication and personal and group empowerment. We’ll look at the norms within our organizations, and whether or not they serve us. And we’ll share tools for decision making and constructive critique. Insights from both permaculture and magic will help us learn to be more effective and joyful as we work together to regenerate our world.
When: Tuesday June 1st from 1 - 4pm Where: St. David's Church of Wales at 2800 SE Harrison St. Portland, Oregon. Cost: $25
This workshop is a portion of The Village Building Convergence. For a full listing of events go to www.cityrepair.org and click on the link to download The Village Builder. Thanks!