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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Teach "Cooking Healthy on a Budget" Class
Experienced cook needed to volunteer one evening a month to teach a cooking workshop to residents of affordable housing. The cook teaches how to prepare tasty and healthy meals on a limited budget (utilizing food boxes, community harvests, etc.), shares tricks of the trade, and involves participants in meal preparation. Each workshop ends with a mealtime so everyone can enjoy the fruit of their labor!
The groups are small (10-15 people) and the workshops generally last 2 hours. This workshop uses hands-on teaching techniques and is also a valuable opportunity for participants to socialize. Many classes feel like a family dinner REACH will help to provide or compensate for materials and groceries.
Two classes have open positions, one of which carries a twist. One of the buildings only has a hotplate - so the theme of the class would be "One Pot Dishes"
The class convenes once a month, and requires about 6 hours per month accounting for preparation and cleanup. A one year commitment is preferred to provide participants with consistency.
How to Apply: Applicant need not be a professional chef, but must have at least have 5 years experience preparing dishes and be ready to plan and execute multiple courses each class using a variety of ingredients.
To apply, please contact Loren Guerriero at (503) 231-0682 ext. 166 or [email protected]