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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
Who's online
Compassion & Release: A Conference for Prison Dharma Volunteers
June 4 through June 6, 2010
Portland Insight Meditation Center
6536 SE Duke
Portland, OR 97206
See www.portlandinsight.org for directions by bike, car & public transport
Featuring: Kevin Griffin, author of One Breath at a Time and A Burning Desire, and Kobai Scott Whitney, author of Sitting Inside and “The Upper Middle Way,”and Paul McIvor, a Toronto researcher studying prison Dharma volunteers
Co-Sponsored by the Northwest Dharma Association and Plum Mountain Buddhist Community
Friday, June 4 7PM to 9PM
Saturday, June 5 9AM to 6PM
Sunday, June 6 9AM to 1PM
Fee for the weekend: $85, including materials and lunches; scholarships available.
Register at the door, starting at 5PM on Friday
Northwest Dharma Association • 305 Harrison St, Seattle WA 98109 • Phone: 206-441-6811
The Northwest Dharma Association is a voluntary membership organization of Buddhist temples, organizations, and informal groups in the greater Pacific Northwest. While the NWDA reserves the right to define what constitutes a Buddhist group for the purpose of membership qualification, our intention is to be an association open to all groups and individuals dedicated to Buddhist teaching and practice.