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Volunteer Appreciation Event @ The ReBuilding Center
“People Power” Volunteer Appreciation Day @ The Rebuilding Center Friday June 4th 3-7pm
From the beginning, The Rebuilding Center of Our United Villages has been powered by volunteers. We would not be here if it weren’t for the support of volunteers. To appreciate the greatness of your hard volunteer work with the Rebuilding Center, we are putting together a big appreciation event on Friday June 4, 2010. At this event we will be showing how “People Power” is a driving force in creating real lasting changes. Sol Trekker will teach us about alternative energy with their SolTrekker bus, Green Microgym will have bike-powered generators to power the event, Chiyu Center will provide free energy healing therapy, and finally Pacific Northwest sculptors will build a life sized sculpture installation LIVE! Enjoy the live funky musical styling of local musicians Ural and Company. Refreshments and light snacks at the event. It’s going to be fun!
What: “People Power” Volunteer Appreciation Day @ The Rebuilding Center
Who: You, our Rebuilding Center volunteers! (and your friends and family)
When: Friday June 4th, 3-7pm
Where: The ReBuilding Center Parking Lot Rsvp to: [email protected]
SolTrekker – www.soltrekker.org SolTrekker is a 501(c)3 non-profit which exists to provide empowering educational experiences designed to help individuals of all income levels realize greater self-sufficiency and environmental sustainability. We do this primarily by creating functioning examples of renewable energy, sustainable building practices and efficient design.
Portland Northwest Sculptors - www.pmwsculptors.org Numbering over 150 members, Pacific Northwest Sculptors is a volunteer driven 501(c)3 organization comprised of sculptors and persons in associated fields who live and work in the Northwest. Its purpose is to foster the art of sculpture by increasing public awareness of the issues and techniques that surround sculpture and to facilitate communication between member sculptors. PNWS sponsers seminars, studio tours, workshops, lectures and art events that are open to the public.
Chiyu Center - http://www.chiyucenter.com/ Chiyu Center is nestled in Sellwood - Portland's peaceful, safe, and close-in SE neighborhood. At Chiyu, you can receive Reiki treatments and Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki Master level Attunements. We also offer other select energy healing techniques. Please feel free to call for a free consultation, or to discuss any of these beautiful healing modalities. My direct line is: 503.995.0944
Green Micro - http://thegreenmicrogym.com/ The Green Microgym offers its members a completely green gym with a friendly, community feel. We are right in your neighborhood so you can bike or walk here. The most unique thing about our gym is that the actual energy of the members helps power the building. It makes pretty good sense. You don’t need energy-sucking machines to get a good workout. We are machines. You power your workout. The energy bar one member just ate powers the ceiling fan for the next three hours. Another member’s morning coffee is doing its part to keep the lights on. Every revolution on the elliptical is churning pure electricity back to the grid. Lowly calories are converted into precious watts. You power your gym. Friends and neighbors, sweating it out together, all in the name of feeling good. About themselves, about their community, about their gym and about the world.