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Largest-Ever National Discussion on Our Federal Budget and Economy on June 26, 2010
What: National Town Meeting : Our Budget, Our Economy
When: June 26, 2010
Where: 18 cities across the US, including Portland (at the Convention Center) Thousands of Americans reflecting the demographic, geographic and political diversity of our nation will come together on June 26, 2010 for a National Town Meeting.
Lucky for us, Portland has been chosen as one of the cities to host this unprecedented exercise of grassroots democracy. AmericaSpeaks is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to engaging all people in governance. Through partnerships with many foundations -- including the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and W.K. Kellogg Foundation -- providing $4.2 million, the group will host a national town meeting – Our Budget, Our Economy.
Thousands of people across the country will have the chance to participate in this discussion. Twenty U.S. host cities, including Portland, will be equipped with video, webcast and interactive technologies to connect attendees around the nation. Thousands more will have the chance to watch live coverage from their homes and participate in the discussion via online forums.
“Our Budget, Our Economy is a national discussion geared toward finding common ground on tough choices about our federal budget.” said Dianne Riley, Equity Coordinator for the Portland-based, Coalition for a Livable Future. Americans from across the country will come together to weigh-in on strategies to ensure a sustainable fiscal future and a strong economic recovery. Riley added, “Involvement from all communities is critical to find common ground and ensure that policy-makers reach decisions that reflect the public’s true priorities.” Why should anyone care? In the discussion, participants will grapple with real choices to ensure that our nation continues to invest in national priorities like education, jobs, housing and our country's safety net.
Organizers in the Portland area have mobilized both conservative and progressive groups to be a part of the facilitated, round-table discussions. We urge you to join the discussion on June 26th and participate in what we anticipate will help articulate our national priorities from the ground, up. We desperately need a shift in our political discussions that draw out the wisdom and experience of grassroots people. Space for the town meeting is limited. Please register soon by visiting http://tiny.cc/8dgej and selecting Portland as your town meeting. Register on Facebook by visitng http://tiny.cc/nw9tg For information on the project, please visit http://usabudgetdiscussion.org/ If you have questions, please contact Julie Massa by email at [email protected] Julie MassaOrganizerAmericaSpeaks503-984-6260http://www.americaspeaks.orghttp://www.usabudgetdiscussion.org Check out our new blog at http://www.OpenGovernmentDirections.org