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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Sleep Dealer Friday June 4th (showtime 7pm) at Kenton Firehouse
The Portland Central America Solidarity Committee is showing the critically acclaimed film Sleep Dealer tomorrow June 4th at 7pm at the Historic Kenton Firehouse, which is located just off I-5 at N Lombard and N Denver at: 8105 N. Brandon St and is convenient to the Yellow Line MAX and bus routes 4 and 6.Three PCASC members/affiliates are traveling to Honduras to be human rights observers in a delegation of international accompaniment when the country goes to a popular vote on whether or not to hold a constitutional assembly. This movie night is a benefit to purchase independent radio equipment to bring to Honduras. Come at 6pm for food and drinks and meet the folks who are going to Honduras. Showtime is 7pm. Donations accepted $5-$10 sliding scale. No one turned away.
Why Honduras? Why a Delegation?
Review from Political Film Blog
Sleep Dealer addresses current social issues with future scenarios. Privatized water supplies, forced migration to the cities, working in dangerous conditions for pittance wages-- all themes are presently relevant to the lives of billions. Shown from the perspective of the global south, the drone warfare, corporatized control of natural resources and dehumanizing sweatshops resonate loud and clear. Adelante!
Megan Hise 503-515-5456 (cell)_____________________________________________________________________________________ Portland Central America Solidarity Committee 2249 E. Burnside Portland, OR 97214 * www.pcasc.net*H.L.V.S.Movie Night! Come see Sleep Dealer at the Kenton Firehouse this Friday June 4th
7pm showtimeMILITARIZEDborders cyberBRACERO warRESISTER cross-borderSOLIDARITY