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Organically Grown in Oregon Week
Greetings Organic Farm & Garden Educators;
Governor Kulongoski Proclaims Sept. 13-19, “Organically Grown in Oregon Week” As a symbol of the importance of organic farmers, processors and distributors to the State of Oregon, Governor Ted Kulongoski issued a proclamation recognizing September 13-19th, 2009, as “Organically Grown in Oregon Week.” The week-long celebration will include farm tours, grassroots events, a public awareness campaign, in-store demonstrations, and will be capped by the presentation of the 2010 Oregon Organic Coalition’s Awards in Excellence.
This is a great time to start thinking about activities for your organization. In the past folks have done farm tours, workshops, film viewings, etc. Promotional materials are available at www.oregonorganiccoalition.org. Please let us know about events that you are planning and we can help publicize by posting them on the website and through press releases.
This year marks the 22nd anniversary of Organically Grown in Oregon Week, a tradition that began in 1988 as a means for celebrating Oregon’s organic industry and recognizing the leaders of Oregon’s organic movement. The Governor’s proclamation highlights the rapidly expanding organic sector of the state’s agricultural economy. In the past five years (2004 – 2009), the amount of land being used to produce certified organic products has expanded from 31,092 acres to 137,000 acre, with more than 435 certified organic farms. In his proclamation, Governor Kulongoski also acknowledges Oregon’s unique stature as a leader in organic agriculture, highlighted by the first organic standards legislation in 1973, the first published organic certification standards in 1987, and the first establishment of a statewide advocacy group – the Oregon Organic Coalition – to help promote the organic industry.
Call for Nominations for Organic Awards in Excellence
As part of the Organically Grown in Oregon Week of awareness and celebration, the Oregon Organic Coalition will host the 2010 Awards in Excellence ceremony and luncheon. As many as 11 awards will be given to individuals and organizations across a variety of categories, including innovation in organic practices, service to the industry, expansion of organic business opportunities, and overall achievement in the state’s organic industry. The nomination deadline is August 1. Applications are available www.oregonorganiccoalition.org.
For more information about participating in Organically Grown in Oregon Week contact: Stacy Kraker, 541.461.6473 or [email protected].
Happy growing!
Sarah Brown
OOC Leadership Council
About Oregon Organic Coalition
The Oregon Organic Coalition (OOC) was formed in 2005 to advance the development and growth of the state’s organic agricultural community and trade. OOC brings together representatives of the organic trade as the stakeholders of the organic food system. Together, they support research on organic systems at Oregon State University, advocacy, alliances with like-minded groups, marketing programs and conferences, and provide direction and endorsements for activities that promote Oregon’s organic industry.
-- Sarah Rose BrownOwnerDiggin' Roots Farm11934 SE Beckman AveMilwaukie, OR 97222 www.digginrootsfarm.com
"The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living on a small piece of land."- Abraham Lincoln