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Movies and Meaning Group "Oceans" - June 17
Hello Movie Lovers,
In April, Disney Nature released the movie "Oceans" on Earth Day. I didn't pay too much attention to it at the time. Since then the BP oil rig explosion and disaster has occurred and continues to gush into the Gulf. "Oceans" is still playing. It is a pretty traditional nature documentary covering our five oceans. With the recent disaster it might be interesting to allow both the images of the oil disaster and the images of Disney's work to float around in our mind together. It certainly should invite in thoughts on Creation and stewardship of our physical resources. We could also play with the age old question, "Was the Earth made for man (sic) or was man made for the Earth?" Is the oil worth the cost?
See the following for more information: http://www.spike.com/video/disneys-oceans/3291659?cmpnid=790&pt=sr&refsite=7118
JOIN US THIS MONTH FOR "Oceans", rated G, 1 hr. 43 min., Academy Theater, 7818 SE Stark St., Thursday, June 17, 4:45 p.m. (meet at 4:30 in lobby), $4.00.
DISCUSSION FOLLOWING Flying Pie Pizzeria, 7804 SE Stark St. (next door to theater) RSVP's appreciated. RSVP to [email protected]