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Become a Zenger Farm Ambassador!


Become a Zenger Farm Ambassador! Join a team of volunteers to support exciting outreach and fundraising events at the farm and around the city. We are working to increase community support so we can meet the overwhelming demand for our educational programs. You can be an integral part of this work by sharing our message of environmental stewardship and good food for all. Volunteers will gain experience in outreach, fundraising and event planning and meet community members and local-food leaders at events throughout Portland. You can read the complete volunteer position description on our website at www.zengerfarm.org/volunteer.


Interested? Come to a Zenger Farm Ambassador Summer Kick-off at the farm. Includes light refreshments, a farm tour, training and event sign-up.

Monday, June 28th


RSVP to [email protected] if you plan to attend.


Prairie Hale

Community Involvement Coordinator

NWSA AmeriCorps

Friends of Zenger Farm

11741 SE Foster Road

Portland, OR 97266

