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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Volunteers Needed!
Open Meadow is looking for volunteer support for a 5k run, with stops at multiple venues, put on by the owners of several local North/NE Portland pubs/eateries on Saturday, July 10.
We need 5-7 volunteers to serve at the various venues and 2-3 volunteers to ride on bikes along the run route with first aid supplies (first aid training not necessary, but a bike, helmet, and a cell phone are).
All volunteers receive a free t-shirt and are invited to the after-event party at Amnesia Brewery (corner of N. Mississippi & N. Beech).
Please contact Amy at 503.488.5184 ASAP if you are interested and able to help out. Volunteers must be 21+. Event starts at 8 AM and will be over before noon.
Thank you!
Amy Doering Smith
director of development
7621 North Wabash Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97217
Direct: 503.488.5184
Fax: 503.978.1989
Engage. Educate. Empower.